Moving On

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A murmur of soft hushed voices was all I heard. 

Soft voices.. 

I think it would be a good idea to open your eyes now. We've rested enough. My wolfs voice matched the ones around me

I didn't respond to him and instead blinked my eyes open. Jason was standing before my bed speaking with another man, he was powerful but not as much as Jason. 

Both men looked in my direction, my mate quickly rushed over to my bedside. He pressed a hand against my forehead before kissing it gently. 

"I was so worried about you." He whispered against my head.

The wolf side of my rejoiced at the kind gesture.. but the human in me recoiled. 

I looked toward the stranger in the room. Jason straightened up and gestured a hand to him "This is the Alpha's Beta, his name is Damien. He was away for a bit on pack business but came back when you went missing." He explained. I offered a curt nod to him. 

"When you're feeling up to it, the Alpha wants to speak with you. He will be in his office most of the day." Damian's voice was hard and offered little emotion. He swiftly left the room once he relayed the information.

Jason looked to me again, "How are you feeling?" He asked.

I looked down at my body. My shoulder was wrapped around what I presume is the bruise from the fight, and I could feel pressure on my bitten leg as well. I didn't feel much pain thankfully.

"I'm just tired at the moment. I can probably head to see the Alpha now." 

He gave a short nod and pulled the covers off my body. All the IV's were removed and in their place were bandages of different kinds. Finally putting pressure on my legs brought out an ache of pain and I winced at the contact. Jason went to grab me but I put a hand up. "I'm fine. Just a bit sore is all."

After a bit of struggling with putting shoes on and Jason insisting I wear a jacket, we finally made it out of the clinic. I swear I've been to the doctor here more than I have through my entire life so far. I walk out of this clinic at least once a week and half the time I don't remember getting taken there in the first place.

Walking into the winter air was a welcome change to the stuffy clinic. Though I did feel the chill, I still enjoyed it the same. 

It seems our injuries are preventing us from our immunity to the cold. Best to keep a jacket until we heal up a bit more. My wolf offered.

I hope it doesn't take too long.. 

"Do you have any news on the wolves we saved? You found Ruby and Pike right?" I nervously asked.

"We did. They're all in quarantine right now to ensure they weren't fed what the pack ate and once all is cleared they will be fostered out. We already have a list of wolves wanting to either adopt or foster some until they do find homes here."

Something bloomed within me that I couldn't explain.. it was like.. a mix of pride.. and feeling accomplished but also.. I don't know. I can't believe we managed to pull this off and save them all. That wolf was right.. I need to listen to my instincts. 

The house was fairly empty when we entered it and boxes were scattered across the floor. What the..?

"This way." Jason spoke.

"Wait." I grabbed his arm. He spun around and looked at me quizzically.

"Were you the one who found me by the river?" I asked.

"Yeah.. why?"

"Your wolf was different." 

"So was yours." He answered. "Come on."

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