"Hey now, why you hiding it now?"

"Because I don't need my teammates seeing me like this." I explained.

"Well I wanna see you like this." Virgil said, pulling my hands away from my face, the warmth of his own hand sending jolts through my body and causing my heart go beat faster.

I looked at him and took in his own beautiful features. His lightly darkened skin, his spiked hair escaping his head band. The brilliant shades of green and blue of his shining eyes. The way his smile was brimming with confidence and joy with a tinge of excitement.

"I-I believe you said you were busy." I said.

"And I'm guessing that means you're busy too. I'll get out of your hair then," Virgil said, putting his hand to the side of my face and kissing my forehead, "See ya Quince."

I watched him walk away, something I loved to do, even if I hated to have to see him go.

I quickly regained my composure and brushed my hair back with my hands as I came up on my team's tents, Maxie just entering his own tent as I arrived. Looking at the tent of my new recruit, I began to think back on how he had conducted himself. He has not acted in a way someone in his current situation normally would, no memories in a world of bandits, he was too calm, and that lead to more questions like why he had activated his semblance when he did, or what his true motives were. In any case, I believed it was time that we had a talk...


I was lying in my tent trying to sleep, thinking about what to do with my new life. I was finally free! Free to live as I wanted, to do as I pleased without anyone to hold me back. So why? Why couldn't I let go? I couldn't get rid of them, the moments of memory, the flashes of my life at its worst. My father, mother, Neo... I was only free physically, but never again would I find myself truly relived of my past.

I balled my fist and stared at it until I heard someone come in. I turned and sat up to see who it was, Maxie.

"Uh, hey man."

"What happened?" He asked, "What happened to make you so enraged?"

"What?" I asked.

"My semblance, it allows me to absorb anger, but it doesn't get rid of it, only transfers it to myself. After so many years, I've learned to distinguish between types of frustration, their targets. I can feel that you aren't just mad at yourself, but the world. I've seen people die from that feeling, and I know Arcenciel wouldn't be able to forgive himself if you ended up dead because of it."

"Uh, okay. I don't really feel like talking about it right now, could we talk about this later?" I asked.

"*sigh* Alright. Just get some sleep; don't want you attracting any Grimm with your negativity." Maxie said, leaving my tent, "We'll talk tomorrow."

I lied back down, now worried I wasn't even physically free. If I couldn't even get angry without someone knowing, what else would I not be able to do?

I heard the tent flap open again and sat up, "I though we were gonna talk tomorrow man!"

"Oh, bad time?" Arcenciel said, coming into my tent.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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