loving her {david}

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david's pov

loving her was the best decision i've ever made

she was the sunshine during my rainy days and always replaced my frown with a smile

she was the icing on the cake and as sweet as the sugar baked into it

she is my everything

she's always on my mind and i think about her every second of every day

you see, loving her was easy

but losing h-losing her was the worst thing that has ever happened to me

it felt as if the world turned black and white

all the color seemed to vanish and nothing had meaning anymore

broken mirrors and shattered picture frames

every single book on that stupid bookcase, that i made for her a while back, was thrown onto the floor and scattered

the alcohol cart, which i keep for my friends, was almost completely drained of liquid as i tried to drown my sorrows in it

our-my room was a complete mess with clothes and shoes thrown everywhere

the bed unmade and the bathroom unkempt

to someone else, i was living unhealthy

to me, i felt nothing

i didn't notice the mess

when i tripped over something, i just kept walking

when i stepped on a shard of glass, i took it out and threw it back onto the ground

when i laid in bed, trying to get just an ounce of sleep for the first time in three days, my eyes just wouldn't close

my mind was too busy running

it was rewinding the memories we made together

it was thinking and overthinking about what happened and if i could've prevented it from happening or-

and then, for the first time since i found out about her death, i closed my eyes and fell asleep

i held the pillow next to me and cuddled into it, as if it were her

as if she were still with me right now

if she was, i would tell her this

"i would go through all this pain again, if it meant that i got to love you, just as i did"

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