cheating prank {brandon}

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i let myself into brandon's apartment with my key

as soon as i step foot in his place, i hear moaning

i hold my breath, hoping that it isn't what i think it is, as i slowly make my way to his room

i open the door, seeing him on top of another girl, both of them moaning

i close the door, before running out of his apartment and to my car

i drive to mariah's place, barely holding back the tears

as soon as i hop out of my car, the tears start falling and i don't try to stop them

i knock on the door, heath opening it shortly after

he pulls me into a hug, closing the door behind me as he calls for mariah

once she sees me, she pulls me into a hug as we walk over to the couch

"what happened, babe?" she asks

"brandon cheated on me" i barely get out

heath sits on the other side of me, rubbing my back

"that doesn't seem like him" he says

"i went to his place and heard moaning and when i opened the door, i saw him over top of a girl and-" i sob into my hands harder

"oh babe" mariah whispers, pushing my hair back "how about some ice cream and a movie"

i nod

she smiles, starting to get up but heath beats her to it, running to the kitchen as she stays with me, the sobbing mess

my phone starts ringing

i pull it out, seeing brandon's name

i throw my phone on the table, letting it go to voicemail

he calls again and again

i turn off my phone completely, wiping my eyes as heath walks back into the room with an ice cream container and three spoons

i smile at the gesture, thanking him as we all dig in, after finding a movie to watch

a little ways into the movie, there's a knock on the door

mariah pauses the movie as heath gets up to answer the door

david comes running in and over to me

"i'm so sorry. here, watch this" he says, handing me his macbook, pressing play

it's footage dated from today

i see brandon on the screen, making my eyes water again as i don't want to see him, but i watch like david said to

"come on, brandon, it'll be fun" david says from behind the camera

"pretending to cheat on my girlfriend is not fun" brandon argues

"but i need vlog content"

david + friends imaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat