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"Ugh!" Megan slammed the front door behind her as she entered her home. She stomped up the stairs, ignoring her mother greeting her.

Also slamming her bedroom door, Megan immediately looks at herself in the mirror. She definitely should've worn waterproof mascara today.

"Oh my god." She says into the mirror. "I look like a crackhead."

Still standing in front of the mirror, Megan desperately wanted out of her clothes. She was probably going to burn her outfit after tonight, that's how angry she was.

Stripping herself of her clothes, Megan grabbed whatever oversized sweater she could find and quickly put it on. But the sweater she put on was a Midtown sweatshirt, which smelled like Peter.

"Fuck!" Megan sits on the ground, holding her knees close to her face. Her cries were far from over.

Maybe she was being ridiculous, but she couldn't help it. She liked Peter, of course she did. But her heart had been broken too many times and now she was at the point where she had enough.

It was hard enough for Megan that her parents divorced. She hadn't seen her dad since before the snap, and god knows when she'll see him again. It wasn't like she can just go to his new place in a split second, and she doubted that her mom would drive there.

Megan hated how emotional she was being, especially over a boy. She never thought in a million years this would happen. She tried to be strong, but even the strongest have their weaknesses.


Diary Entry #3

Screw Peter Parker. GOD I am so fucking pissed right now. I just wanna scream and cry and blast All I Wanted by Paramore. Maybe even throw some classic 8th grade emo phase songs in the mix.

I have seriously lost count on the amount of times Peter has said he wanted to go out or go on a date or WHATEVER and just ditch me. I'm so done with him. Feelings? Fuck that.

I hope my mom doesn't get pissed at me for blasting music, but I must do this to let out my anger. Also if future me sees this, I'm sorry for the tear stains.

Screaming Avril Lavigne lyrics,



"Meg?" Her mom knocked on the door. My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne was blasting through the speakers in Megan's room, and the volume was louder than it should be. "It's time for dinner! And turn that music down!"

"I'm not hungry!" Megan yells. "I just wanna be alone!"

Megan's mom opened the door despite her daughter's wishes and saw Megan laying on her bed as if she couldn't move.

"Mom, just leave me alone." She sniffles.

"Meg, what happened?" Her mom asks, severely worried for Megan right now.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Megan grunts. She sure was upset.

"I ordered a pizza..."

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