"i understand they probably didnt mean for this to happen but by hiding the pregnancy they just gave you all an early death bed" matt sighed. "do you think their a way to try and earn respect for our class, we all going to be sent to different battles or places but couldn't our units earn respect since each unit is different" Lance said with hope and shiro looked down in shame and matt shook his head. "we just need to work harder and make them all respect us, we need to show them that no everyone is the shame that we better" Keith said proudly. "keith right, we just have to show them what we got and make them be proud of us" Pidge smiled and everyone nodded a little.


"will you stop shooting at us, we trying to sleep" Lance yelled with anger as unit voltron was in their small ditch for the night being shot at. "lance i dont think shouting at them will stop them, it might even tell them where we hiding" hunk said with worry. "they shooting at us, i pretty sure they know where we are" Keith hissed since they not been able to move from that spot for six hours and would be spending the night in a dirty ditch. "dont get sassy guys, we just need to wait them out" shiro said with a small smile trying to calm everyone down. "yeah because if they didnt stop shooting at us for six hours they might suddenly stop after a couple more hours" Pitch said rolling her eyes and resting her head on keith since they all sat in a single line. (Pidge was on the right, then keith, then shiro, then lance, then hunk at the other end.).

"pidge please dont start getting sassy, i need one other person that not me to keep a cool head" shiro sighed and rested his head with an helmet on into the dirt. "um lance, you do know I'm a guy right" hunk said with worry as lance wrapped his arms around hunk. "i know but your so warm and like a big pillow, I'm starting to fall aslezzzzzz" lance started to say before falling straight asleep. "hey keep your helmet on, we still being shot at" keith said with worry as Pidge laid her head on his arm and took her helmet of. "no way, it dig into your arm and hurt" Pidge said sleepy and started to doze of not feeling keith lightly putting her helmet on so it wouldn't dig in but it would stop her from being shot in the head. 

"i take first watch, you two get some sleep" shiro smiled after hearing pidge lightly hum in her sleep and lance just snoring. "god give me yummy dreams" hunk smiled and started to fall asleep. "wake me if you need to swap, i take the next watch" keith yawned and rested his head on top of pidge helmet before falling asleep, his second arm was wrapped around her tight making sure she couldn't be taken from him. 


"they stopped shooting, is it a trap to lure us out" hunk said as the five was all awake after lance suddenly threw stones at them all during his watch. 

"it could be a lure but they could be swapping over, why dont we test it" lance smirked and grabbed hunk helmet before placing it on top of his gun and lifting it over the ditch. "no one shot at it and its really dark now, we could try and sneak over" keith said since their mission was to blow the base up. "keep your distance from each other, they cant shoot all of us if we not together and remember to call the distress word if your part of the plan fails, listen out for the retreat word if i think its a trap or unsafe to complete .. understood" shiro said like a real leader and everyone nodded. "i guess i see you all back here in ten" Pidge smiled and everyone did their own good luck smile before jumping out.

"Oi you" an enemy soldier yelled at a soldier Pidge just stabbed and was holding up to make it look like he was just standing. "y-yes" Pidge tried to say with the enemy accent. "you should be patrolling the other section now, get moving" the enemy soldier yelled and Pidge heard his steps fade away. "oh shit that was close" Pidge whisper and placed the dead soldier against the wall looking like he felt sick before running to the room where she needed to plant her bombs.

"Pidge" keith whispered as he had to pass Pidge area to escape. "keith" Pidge waved him over to a side door. "you all set" keith asked as they hid in a small room. "yeah we just need to make it back to the ditch before the timer goes" Pidge said as she looked to her watch. "we better get going" keith said as he opened the air vent letting Pidge climb in first.

"wait why do you always let me go first, wont it be easier if i went second" Pidge said as they crawled. "um well no because your normally have the building maps set up" Keith said and being glad she couldn't see him blush as he stared at her ass. That the only reason he always let her go first so he could stare at her ass, the first time was a mistake since they were being shot at and then he saw her ass and since then well she always went first. "well i guess you would get lost without me leading the way" Pidge giggled. Soon the two reached outside and started running to the ditch before the timer ran out, only a couple minutes left.

"what took you both so long" shiro yelled from the ditch and they only had a minute left. "we had to go further in for our bombs remember" Keith hissed back. "well hurry and get in, its now about to blow" hunk said with worry and as he said those words the place started to blow up sending guns, metal, brick, dirt flying all over the place. "Keith" Pidge yelp and a bit of metal landed in her leg and keith caught her before she fell. "ouch that looks painful" lance said with worry as Keith carried pidge into the ditch and Pidge glared at lance.

"should we pull it out, our camp only a day away from here" hunk said worried about what to do with pidge. "no we should keep it in, we dont know if it hit anything important, lets just wrap her leg up with the metal in and let the docs deal with her tomorrow" Lance said with worry about making the bleeding or anything worse. "Lance is right but it be best to stop Pidge from walking with it in her leg, keith" shiro said with worry and turned to the mullet.

"dont worry i carry her, our jeep is only a couple away, i cant handle it" keith said with a small smile and turned to Pidge. "oh stop looking at me like that, its not like I'm dying" Pidge smirked and poked Keith cheek making him smile back.

By My Side (Kidge - Keith x Pidge)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя