This is it

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Hermonie, Luna and Draco were very eager to finish the war to continue there normal lives...

Several weeks went by and still nothing was heard from Harry Potter or Voldermort as a matter of fact the trio nearly forgot about their mission barely acting in front of everyone.

Hermonies POV

It's hard having waiting this long to hear back from the man everyone hates but still I continued on realising I had my OWLs 🦉 coming up

My OWLs 🦉

Today's the big day I sit my tests

The only thing in Hermonies mind was passing these tests and Draco who wasn't far behind her was resting his head on his hands wondering how his future was gonna end up-without caring he stared into blank space all throughout the test giving back the test at the end of the hour blank😬

Once everyone was dismissed Hermonie went looking for Luna who wasn't in for the test
She later found out she took her own life; it was just up to Hermonie and Draco to sort this problem that started this...

At the depths of Hermonie falling into depression Voldermort came back to see the duo.

"Ahh as you are aware Luna took her life" he paused "I need to let you know the war is still coming and I won't stop to encourage it, I must be going"

One Sunday afternoon after dinner Hermonie and Draco went to the dorms as usual but when they entered there whole room was thrown upside down and all was left was a piece of paper saying

Dear "Lost slytherins"
As you know by know the war is approaching us but someone is going to get betrayed this week some way or another beware forth coming only big hearts will be able to overcome this chaos

From Jordon Parker

Draco was puzzled but Hermonie who you would also expect to see shocked knew exactly who this was...
James Parker- a childhood guy Hermonie used to see after school walking around the school gates in the muggle world. She only kept to wonder what he had to do with this...

"Hermonie...what's wrong" Draco questioned
"Uh nothing I'm just shocked this is here..." she lied
"Anyways it's getting late let's go to sleep we'll sort this out tomorrow"
"Ok let's go up then" Draco sighs

Hermonie couldn't sleep so when she was about to fall asleep she saw this shadow appear in front of her

It was James Parker
He showed Hermonie that he indeed he was playing with everyone and was part of his own army against Voldermort

Hermonie laid in bed in shock she cried her self to sleep

The next day all she could see was the guy she saw last night he was spinning her head around she wanted to know more about him the more she thought the more she wondered

This caused her to spend most of the day alone everyone noticed even Draco in fact for some time she even forget about about the caring soul. She wanted to find out more...

Dramonie - a hidden secret Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin