The confession

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"I need to tell you something"
"What is if Mudblood"Malfoy replied 

"I've had these feelings towards you that I need to tell you about..."Draco eyebrows raised
"The thing is I feel safe around you as you know you bully me because your always there like to bully me. I think your cute as well what's not to love about you"

"Are you MAD you see Mudblood the world isn't controlled by you your a Mudblood and I'm a pure blood it can't be it will never be"he cried

"So what do u explain what happened in the bedroom?" She questioned

"Oh Mudblood you idiot it is a mans dream to have someone you don't have feelings for but can mess around with"

"Oh it's not like at first you didn't feel any different" he shouted
Tears formed in Hermonie's eyes as she looked straight into Draco's eyes
Draco didn't really careless but didn't now how to react as he has never made a girl cry before

(But Draco kinda thought she was cute might he thought his reputation and father was more important so he couldn't love her or he could die...)

"I suggest you go before people start suspecting anything you might as well go back to Weasalbee and start snogging him" he said

"You clearly don't understand do you!you don't understand love at all!"
Hermonie Shouted back

"Well you don't know what's happening in my life do you!"he cried "I might not have a choice Granger!"

"What do you mean?"Hermonie questioned

"The thing is Mudblood certain people in this world don't have choices which makes it impossible to even like you!"
He said

"Can't you change it"she asked

"Are you going to convince my Father Lucius Malfoy former death eater sever of the dark lord"'Malfoy said

"You can always try"she replied

"How Granger you don't know how it feels do you I was forced into things I shouldn't have I was scared I suffer Mudblood anxiety and depression is my life Mudblood"

Hermonie was shocked what she had just heard her mouth nearly dropped her eyes widened as she got ready to leave the common room when Draco grabbed her arm and kissed her hand and then left by walking into the dark

Potions class

Of course Hermonie and Draco both dreaded this moment they soon sat at there table and made out they never met and they were doing a project which was about writing an essay on the love potion none of them worked together they started doing there own work...

Bye the time class ended lessons had finished and there was a couple of hours before the feast and Hermonie was so upset she went to the forbidden forest which baring in mind was scary but to be fair she is of course Hermonie Granger

Hermonie went to sit on the bench and she started crying really loudly but little did she know someone was already there crying his eyes out...

"I can't believe it I said that to Mudblood well she mustn't know anything about me...I don't talk to girls except from Pansy even she shouldn't know my feelings..."he mumbled to him self kicking the leafs around him

Hermonie heard this and made she never heard him and made a plan

" ugh I can't believe Malfoy rejected me I'm so upset...he's like the most handsome man I have ever met he soo dreamy and and so mysterious and knows magic I can just imagine of..."

Malfoy heard every word that came out Hermonies mouth and was stunned but kept to himself he then left quickly to the great hall for feast as he felt an urge to eat

Hermonie also eventually went to the great hall but she didn't know where he was going...

In the great hall

Draco went to the Slytherin table and straight away started eating although Hermonie didn't bother eating...
She couldn't help but watch Draco eating his food...

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