Chapter Three

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Similar to the day of my twin's funeral, I am facing the mirror adjusting my tie. A sad smile spreads across my face as I think about the situation. Ray would be proud of me for wearing my best suit for once. I have to impress them, so it only makes sense to wear my finest clothing. Hopefully, it will distract them from my otherwise rather plain looking appearance.

Not only was Ray the strongest twin, she was the better looking one too. Curse you mother for giving her all your best genes.

I snap away from my reflection to look at the door after hearing a knock. It must be the butler telling me to hurry up. After one last glance, I step out of my room and rush down stairs.

Charles met me at the bottom of the steps, leading me to the car where my father was already seated like I supposed. The air is tense, and we're both silent until the car starts moving.

"Their names are Daniel and Leon. I heard they're both nice and humorous...But if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable at anytime, please come to me. I'll try to break this contract to the best of my abilities."

I nod, and a small smile forms on my face. I feel safer going to this brunch and happier knowing that he truly still cares and that there might be something I can do about this contract after all. The ride goes back to being silent, but not tense, until Charles pulled up to the restaurant where we were to meet Daniel and Leon.

As soon as we exit the vehicle, two tall figures begin approaching us. Everyone here is tall compared to my five foot six stature.I can only guess that the two of them were somewhere around six foot three. And they look no where nearly as plain as I do.

The red-haired one took my hand and pressed his lips to my knuckles. "I'm Daniel, son to Fred," he introduced himself, but I'm more focused on cooling my cheeks down. However, all hope is lost as the blonde one does the same, declaring himself as Leon.

"You are a blushy one, aren't you?" Leon teased, putting an arm around my shoulder as they began walking towards the restaurant. The tall blond is essentially dragging me along as I'm essentially shellshocked with embarrassment.

"You're quite right, Leo. He could put a tomato to shame," Daniel stated with a snicker. I attempted to sink into my shirt to hide from them, but the action makes Daniel pout, so I refrain from hiding. "There's no need to shy away, we won't hurt you unless you ask."

Nevermind, fuck Daniel. I sink down completely into my shirt, becoming a turtle in my own away. Fortunately for my cheeks, Father came in for the rescue.

"You boys better stop teasing my son if you have any wishes of keeping your dicks attached to your body," he threatened with the most serious and scary glare imaginable. I watch the two tall boys at my side shiver and nod obediently, making me smirk.

Soon enough, we're seated at a booth. My father is sitting across from the three of us, me squished in the middle of Daniel and Leon. And I can't say I mind at all. They do look like two sex gods after all. The conversations that ensued through out the brunch only make me more and more comfortable.

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