Chapter Two

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My knuckles gently knock against the wooden door leading to my father's office, alerting him of my presence before I enter. The room looks exactly the same as it did four years ago when I last entered. I take a seat at the chair in front of his desk like always, waiting to hear what he needed to tell me.

"I love you, Allen, you know that right?" he asked softly in a slightly raspy voice that made it seem like he was crying moments ago.

I nod in response, though I am feeling nothing other than confusion. Why would he start this important conversation like this? He can't be dying, I refuse to lose the only person I have left, even if I rarely talk to him anymore.

He smiled, one that was as soft as the voice he spoke in. "Good. Let's hope you still do after I show you this." He slid a paper in front of me. It was a contract, and the agreements made could only make me gasp.

"Father, you can't! I won't leave you. How dare...why would you give me away to another mafia?" My voice was trembling as bad as my hands were. My throat suddenly felt like it was closing in on itself. I could do nothing but focus on keep my tears from falling.

"It's for your own good, Allen, please trust me. Our mafia, as powerful as you think it is, is actually falling apart. I can't protect you anymore. Just like you won't leave me, I won't loose you. So, please, just go with them and don't make too much fuss. I'll see you every Sunday for brunch."

He said the last line with such hope yet sorrow, like it was a last ditch attempt to convince me. I look down at the paper again, seeing that it was already signed. My future signed away.

I can't do anything to change it. There's no point in shedding tears, I might as well make him happy and just go then. This isn't saving him from any heartbreak though, so why did he think it was the right decision to send me away?

"They're coming to meet you tomorrow, I think you'll like them. It's Fred's son and one of his closest friends. Promise me you'll come to brunch?"

"I promise, Father."

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