Ch. 2

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First Year

Whispers followed him as he made his way up to the front of the Great Hall so that McGonagall could place the sorting hat on his head. Crabbe, Goyle, Draco and Pansy had all already been sorted into Slytherin. Now it was his turn.

"Ahhh, Harry Potter, I wondered when I might be seeing you. But where should you be placed? Courage indeed. A fresh mind as well. Lots of talent. Oh. Oh, yes, you've got such a strong thirst for greatness. You know where I'll put you? SLYTHERIN!"

Harry bemed as McGonagall removed the hat from his head. The Slytherin table had erupted from their seats, cheers echoed through the Great Hall as Harry joined his housemates.

After the feast an older student had led them to the Slytherin dormitory. The way down Harry saw an assortment of strange things. The paintings that hung on the castle walls moved and talked to him, he walked through a ghost more than once and everyone seemed to be staring at him when he'd pass. The Slytherin dormitory was incredible. It was a long underground room with a low ceiling. The walls were made of rough stone and it seemed to be located beneath the lake as there were glass walls at the end that held back water. Harry pushed his face up against the glass and saw what looked like a giant squid swim by when he squinted through the murky water.

Green lanterns hung from the ceiling on thin silver chains, they lit the room with a greenish hue. The room might have seemed cold and unwelcoming if it weren't for the crackling fire beneath an intricately designed mantelpiece and the plush furniture. On one side of the room there was a dark wooden table that appeared to be long enough for a great many students to sit at. Bookshelves lined the walls and Harry had the urge to go over and run his fingers along the spines. Harry thought it looked positively magical.


The next morning Harry, Pansy and Draco were eating breakfast together when the sound of owls swooping into the Great Hall came from the rafters to drop off mail. Draco only just managed to not ask why Harry hadn't been sent anything. He barely remembered that Harry didn't have anyone to send him anything so the two of them shared the box of fudge brownies from his mother

"Harry you looked charming in your robes," said Pansy out of nowhere. "The tie really brings out your eyes."

Harry choked on the scone he'd been chewing. "Thanks Pansy," he said, red faced.

"She has a point you know," Draco smirked and Harry blushed a deeper crimson.

"Shut up Malfoy."

Getting an idea Draco swiped Harry's glasses off his face and shoved them up his own nose. "Shut up, Malfoy," he mimicked.

Harry made a sound like a growl at the back of his throat. "I can't see you soding asshat. Give them back." Pansy had started laughing hard and heads at the Slytherin table started turning to look at what was so funny. "Draco!" Harry's eyes were unfocused and Draco was laughing hard now too.

"Merlin's beard Harry! You're eyesight really is awful."

"Really? I had no idea" Harry muttered sarcastically as he fumbled forward. Draco moved to stand but Harry's hand shot out and grabbed at his wrist. "Give me my glasses back or I'll pour all your hair gel down the drain," Harry threatened.

Draco froze. "You wouldn't."

"I would."

Sitting back down on the bench Draco took Harry's glasses off and handed them over. "You're no fun," he moped.

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see how fun you are when you're blind."

"Oh shut up you two." Pansy sipped at her tea and tossed her curtain of long black hair over her shoulder. "You bicker like an old married couple."

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