Shikamaru sat up and looked her right into the eyes.

'What kind of face will she make now?'

"Temari," he said. "Marry me."

"Eh?" She was too shocked to say anything else.

"Look, I know I was the one who said stuff like marriage is too troublesome and that I hate it. But compared to that, I hate saying goodbye to you thousands times more."

There was a war going. A full-fledged war inside of her head between her reasons and inner girly side.

"Are you... sure?" She averted her eyes. It seems like girly side has won. "As troublesome as I am?.."

"It would be pointless if it's not you."

He didn't try to sound like a hero from a romance book. That's just how he felt. After all, marrying normal average girl just won't be challenging enough, like playing Shogi game with a six-year-old. Too easy and too boring. Temari on the other hand was not just a girl, she was a partner, a lover, a backup, a friend, and whole lot of support. More that he would ever expected to have. That's why the thought of marrying her didn't sound as crazy as he thought it would. It came out naturally, and somehow it made a lot of sense.

At this point of time, Shikamaru knew just how much he would give up to wake up next to her every morning, to see her smile every day and touch her skin every night. For that he wouldn't mind marrying. No matter how troublesome it would end up to be.

"So? What will your answer be?" He gently touched her cheek. "Will you marry me?"

He saw just how much her lips were trembling. For a moment. Temari bit her lip to recover control over her emotions.

And... she failed.

She closed her eyes.

"Maybe." She said, trying to copy her usual tone of voice. "Maybe I will."

But she couldn't hold back her smile after all. As radiant as ever it was filled with pure happiness.

His heart was beating louder than the noises of the village. He didn't know how to react just yet. But still he had a feeling that he'd missed something.

"How long now?" He demanded.

"About half an hour."

"Come with me for a while." Another crazy idea crossed his mind, as he grabbed Temari's hand.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

The shop was closed. Well, that wouldn't be surprising considering the hour, but that didn't shatter Shikamaru's determination. He knocked as hard as he could.

The owner appeared only couple of minutes later. He was still in his pajamas.

"Open your store." Shikamaru demanded copying Temari's tone of voice. "Hokage's orders."

Owner seemed to be more shocked than scared.

"Sir, right now the destiny of an important alliance between Hidden Leaf and Hidden Sand lies on your shoulders. Please, there's not much time left."

That did the job. The old shop owner felt himself proud no matter how funny he looked in his pajamas. He let them in.

Shikamaru had never been to jewelry store. The variety was confusing.

"Please show me engagement rings."

The owner gave him a strange look and giggled, as he showed what Shikamaru asked for.

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