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Rayven in the media
(Imagine her in a prison uniform lol)

"You would really fuck your friends man?"

"Happy birthday Rayven!" We all cheered. Well, Mo, Carter, Pharaoh Tyler and I. Karmen was back at campus with Kiari. They wanted to come, but their emotions wouldn't allow them. And Rayven understood, sending her condolences.

"Thanks y'all." Rayven mumbled with a smile.

Still one of the strongest chicks I know. Standing in jail on your birthday for a crime you didn't commit. Not telling the full truth because you don't want to make your boyfriends life change any more drastically than it already has.

"I've got some good news." I shared.

"I spoke with your lawyer. He thinks if I testify that King was dangerous, you'll have a better chance with the jury.

She nodded hanging her head down. It wasn't a definite answer, but it was worth a try.

"Hopefully it gets me out of here."

"Nobody been fuckin' wit you right? I'll run them over with this chair real talk." We all laughed.

"No baby. They ain't stupid."

"We'll let y'all talk." Carter and I walked toward the vending machine.

"Talk to me mama. What's going on in ya head?" She sighed. It broke my heart to see her like this. And it broke my heart even more that she was doing this to protect me.

"I just wanna go home Mo. This ain't me. I could be in here for the rest of my life." Tears fell down her eyes.

"Ray, let's just tell them the truth."

"No Maurice."

"Why? I didn't even-."

"Lower your voice.." She stated. I looked around to see a few guards listening in on our conversation.

I leaned toward her and she did the same.

"The gun just went off. Nobody pulled the trigger."

"How the fuck am I supposed to prove that Maurice?" Her head dropped into her hands. Her shoulders slightly bounced, indicating she was crying. I wrapped my arms around her. Frustrated that because of my current condition, I couldn't hold her like I truly wanted to.

"We gone get you out Ray. Even if I have to go in."

"No. No, I'm not letting them take you."

"I'm supposed to let you do a life sentence? Just cause' I'm in a wheelchair you wanna take the fall? Aye don't pity me like that Ray."

"It's not pity. I just don't want anything to happen to you."

For once in my life, I truly didn't know what my next move was. I didn't know what to do. But I knew that I had to get my girl outta here. By any means necessary.

"One week Karm. I can't cover for you longer than that. She has to go."

"Thank you so much KJ. I'll have it figured out by then." He smiled walking out. I closed my eyes, letting my thoughts take over.

"What we gone do K?" Kiari turned away from the tv with her face propped onto her knuckles.

Before I could answer, there was a knock on the door.

Opening the door revealed a more than obvious drunk Pharaoh. My breath hitched taking in what he know looked like. His eyes were covered in dark circles and his usually always fresh cut hair now was matting on top of his head. He looked tired. No, exhausted.

His red eyes hung so low, it looked painful. His lips formed into a smirk once the door completely opened. But soon turned into a frown from my response.

"What the fuck you want Pharaoh?" I heard shifting behind me letting me know Kiari was now watching us.

"You don't miss me baby?" I pushed him back as he tried wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't wanna see your drunk ass. My little sister is here, get the fuck out!"

"Aw little sis, lemme see youuu." I shook my head as he could barely stand, slurring his words.

"Where is Carter?"

"I don't know where that nigga is! Fuck him! The fuck you asking about him for?" He pushed his foot in the door stopping me from closing it in his face.

"You fucking him?" He asked.

"Fuck you Pharaoh. Get your drunk ass outta here." He chuckled. The alcohol on his breath filled my nostrils.

"You would really fuck your friends man? My brother? All you hoes the same."

"Get the fuck away from my room before I-.."

"Is there a problem here?" One of the RA's asked.

"Fuck you Karmen." Was the last words he said to me before stumbling off.

"That's real fucked up Toy. I would never do you like that."

"Do me like what? We didn't do anything! We are friends!"

"Don't act stupid LaToya you know he feelin' you."

I didn't say anything as he laid back onto his bed with an attitude.

"You wouldn't even be talking to me if I was pulling that foul ass shit."

He was ranting about Josiah and I's texting. We were honestly just friends. Carter saw it as flirting, but I just saw it as being supportive. We never crossed those boundaries.

"If you want me to, I'll stop texting him."

"Keep texting your lil' boyfriend Toy. I don't give a fuck."

"You never give a fuck..." I mumbled.

"The fuck you say?"

"You never give a fuck Carter! You've been so distant lately."

"Do you see what the fuck is going on?! Are you really mad you don't have my undivided attention right now?"

"It's just th-."

"Get out T."

"What?!" I shrieked.

"Get out. You buggin'." I stared at him a little longer just to see if he was serious. And he was anything but joking right now.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing my things and making the most amount of noise I possibly could.

It was dark out, I was walking back to my dorm. I could hear footsteps behind me, but every time I would turn around, no one was there.

I picked up my pace, listening as the footsteps behind me grew quicker as well.

I turned around quickly to be faced with a pearly white smile.


T O Y A II *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now