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For the past three hours, he is still briefing me. How long is this gonna do this to me? Please end the darkness this, darkness that.yoyo

I slam my head at the table. This catches Kylo's attention. "Am I boring you?" he says in a teasing tone. I groan loudly and slam my head again.
"You talking makes me so sleepy," I admit and he scoffs. "Pay attention," he says and I groan loudly. I put my hands on cheek and look at him.

He sighs in defeat and turns of the the monitor. "Okay break," he says and I suddenly become wide awake. "Break?" I squeak. "Yes, break," he sighs as he shakes his head.

"Go and have your break," he says as he sits on the chair. He must be tired from standing for three hours. "Uhmmm... teacher," I ask and I snap out, "I mean Kylo Ren. I don't know where the cafeteria is." He groans and stand up his sit.

"Uhmm! Don't stand! You look tired," I say as I stop him. He looks at me, emotionlessly. "I will ask someone to escort you," he says as he stands up and calling for someone.

A familiar chrome trooper goes in the room. "Please escort her to cafeteria Captain Phasma," Kylo Ren instructs and this Captain Phasma nods. "Yes Master," she obeys and looks at me. I go to her and look at Kylo Ren. "Bye!" I say to him and follow Phasma.

"Sorry about the choke," I start off and she looks at me. "It's nothing," she says with no emotion in her voice. I nod and continue to walk.

We arrive at the cafeteria. All the troopers gaze goes to me. "What?" I snap and they all go back to business. "Fiesty. Aren't we?" Phasma laughs and I look at her, smiling. Guess I will be friend with her. Awesome!

I got some food and offer her, "Want some?" She shakes her head. I grab a bread and give it to her. "Peace offering," I say and she chuckles while taking it. "Thanks," she thanks. Yay! I am forgiven.

I suddenly remember Kylo Ren. I face Phasma and ask, "Did Kylo already ate?" She thinks and says, "Not yet." I grab some burger for him and head outside the cafeteria.

"Where are you going?" she asks and I smile, "To the conference room." She jogs to follow me. "Do you know where it is?" she asks in a teasing tone and I laugh at myself. "I don't know," I laugh. She leads me to the room.

I arrive at the room and see a sleeping Kylo. I smile and place his food in front of him. He wakes up and looks at me. "What is that?" he asks and I smile at him, "Break."

I sit at my chair and begin eating my food. He looks at the food for a while and looks at me. "Thanks," he says in the same emotionless monotone. "Welcome," I smile happily.

"Thank you Captain," I look at Phasma and she nods. "Your welcome," she says and leave the room.

After eating, I look at him. "When do I get to see your face?" I think out loud. He reaches the back of his helmet. I hear a hissing sound. He takes off his helmet and reveals the face I been looking for years.

"Ben..." I whisper and he looks at me. Tears starts to form in my eyes. I hold my breathe and put my hand in my mouth. Ben is alive...

He walks to me. His face is emotionless as his helmet. I bow my head and cry uncontrollably. I feel him touch my shoulder. Without thinking, I embrace him and cry on his shoulder.

He tenses up at first but slowly hugs me. "Claire..." he whispers and I hug him tighter. Afraid that he will be gone again.

"I miss you. I miss you so badly," I cry and he rubs my back. "I miss you too Claire," he says and I look at his eyes. His brown eyes connects at my black eyes. "Ben, come back..." I say as tears still fall. He looks at me and bows his head. "I can't," he simply says. My heart breaks to a trillion pieces.

"Please......" I beg. I shake uncontrollably and slowly sink. He catches me in his arms and we slowly sit on the floor.

"Leia misses you. I miss you... please... come back... please..." I break down and he rubs my back. "I am sorry," was all he said and I grow angry. "Sorry!" I shout. I push him away and growl.

I grab his neck and chock him. "I hate you! I wish I never seen you!" He never moves or even defend himself. He let's me do it. When his face is showing a tint of blue, I let him go.

I cry and he goes to me. "Don't touch me!" I shout at him. He stops and just look at me. "I loved you Ben... I loved you. But your are not the
Ben I loved," I say and I run to my room while trooper looks at me weirdly.

I bump into someone and we both fall to the floor. I wipe my tears and cry more. The person holds my hand and I look at him. It was Armitage.

"Claire, are you alright?" he asks and I nod. He sighs and hugs me. I widen my eyes and remember he doesn't want to show that we are friend in public. "I though-" he cuts me off, "You need it."

After the hug, we go to my room. "What happened?" he asks as we sit on my bed. "Kylo is Ben... he... doesn't want to go back... " I sniff in betweens.

He grabs my hand and rubs my hand. "What will you do now?" "Escape," I say with determination. "How?" he furry his brows.

"With the help of you, of course."

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