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"I don't know what to say," I look at Ben. His eyes are hungry for me to say something. "Anything please," he begs as he holds my hands. I flinch from his touch.

"Ben-I mean Kylo Ren-" I say but Kylo interrupts me, "Ben. You can call me Ben, Claire." I nod in understandment and breath in.

"Ask something," he whispers and I chuckle. "You don't know how many questions are flowing in my head right now," I tell him and he laughs. "I think I might have a headache," I joke.

"Claire?" he begs and I look at him. "I don't know where to start!" I laugh and he laughs. He rubs my head and begs again, "Please..."

The door suddenly opens. I see Armitage at the door way. "Oh!" he exclaims and I giggle. "What's is it Armitage?" I ask and Kylo look at me with his eyebrow raised. "Armitage?" he asks.

"He is my friend, Kylo," I answer and face Hux. "What is it?" I ask again and he clears his throat. "I am just checking if you are alright," he states. I suddenly feel anger radiating on Kylo. Why is he anger at Hux? He is just worried about me. At least he cares, not like him. He just force chokes me all the time.

"She is clearly alright," Kylo snaps. I slap his arm. "Ouch!" he exclaims and I scoff. "I am alright. Thanks for checking Armi," I smile.

"Armi?!" they say in unison. I raise my brows at them. "Armi is short for Armitage," I explain. "You gave me a nickname?" Hux asks and I nod, "Yes." "He got a nickname. Why did you give me a nickname?" Kylo protests and I shrug at him.

"I have to get to work. See you later," Armi bids good bye. "Later?!" Kylo shouts and I roll my eyes. "See you," I smile at Hux as he leaves.

"See you?!" Kylo says to me. "What is your problem?" I snap and he narrow his eyes at me. Is he jealous?

"Are you jealous?" I ask while trying to containing my smile. "I-no-never-I am not!" he stammers and I laugh loudly. He looks at me with a bored look and asks, "Are you done?" I nod and smile.

A knock is heard. I look at the door and shout, "Come in!" Captain Phasma comes in. "Oh! Am I interrupting something?" she asks and I shake my head, "No! No! Not at all."

"What is it?" I ask and Phasma states, "I am just checking on you. General Hux told me about what happened and I just got worried."

"I am fine now Phasma thanks for worrying," I smile and Kylo rolls his eyes. "Are you guys done?" he groans and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Sorry Sir," Phasma apologizes and leaves. "Why are you so rude?" I ask and he defends, "They were interrupting." "Good point," I point out and giggle.

"Where were we?" I ask out of confusion. "You and Armi," he says in a mocking tone. I slap his arm and he says like a child, "It hurts!" "You deserve it," I hiss at him.

He laughs all the sudden. "What?" I ask and he laughs loudly. I never seen him so happy since I last time I fall down a a horse. "We are like a child," he laughs and I smile. Feeling happy because he is happy.

He looks at me and asks, "What?" "I miss this," I smile sadly and he hugs me. "I miss you," he whispers in my ear which sends shiver down my spine. I purr and snuggle on his neck.

"Why were you jealous?" I ask and he lets me go. "Me, jealous. No," he denies which by the way is a lie. "Liar," I tease.

"You haven't ask me," he says, going back to business. "I don't know where to start!" I laugh but go to a serious one. "It so hard for me to process in," I admit and he smiles at me. "But I will try," I say.

After a minute of silence, I decide to ask him my first question. "When did you start dreming about this?" I ask the question. He breathes in before answering. "Since I was a kid. It just get very frequent when I join the Academy," he answers honestly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I soften my eyes as I squeeze his hands. "I don't want you to worry about me," he chuckles and I smile. "You know I will always worry about you," I remind him.

"Why did Luke tried to kill you in your sleep?" I furry my brows as the scene replays in my mind.

He opens his eyes and see Luke slashing his saber at him. Luckily, he calls his saber in time to block the Luke's lightsaber. He uses the force to make the ceiling collapse.

"He must have sense the darkness in me," he sighs and squeezes my hand in comfort. "He must have been afraid at me," he adds as I nod in understandment.

"Why did you choose the darkness?" I ask. "To continue, my grand father work," he says with a smile painted on his face. "What is he exactly started?" I ask as I tilt my head. "He started a plane to rule the galaxy. I will do it," he states.

"I have been dreaming about Anakin since I lost you," I share and he quickly looks at me. "He been telling me to find you. That you will regret everything in the end," I swallow the lump on my throat. "He lost Padme and lost the chance to spead time with his children."

"Why didn't he go back to the light?" he asks and I look at his eyes. "Because he is afraid that no one will accept him again. He didn't know that they are willing to accept him back. He regrets not going back," I explain.

"No one will accept me again..."

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