I'm Disgusting (8)

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Jungkook felt a pang of disappointment when he didn't find Seokjin waiting eagerly by the door. He let out a soft sigh, then carefully removed his shoes, placing them neatly by the entrance.

"Such a good boy," remarked Mr Kim, affectionately tousling Jungkook's dark brown locks. With the door closing behind them, Mr Kim looked around the living room.

"Seems like Jin's still catching some Z's," he mused aloud. "That's unusual, he's usually up quite early. Must've been too excited for your homecoming last night."

Feeling a bit lost in this unfamiliar environment, Jungkook stood uncertainly, casting his gaze around the room and awaiting instructions from his new guardian. Sensing the boy's unease, Mr Kim offered a reassuring pat on his shoulder.

"Relax, just make yourself at home. This whole house is yours now," he said kindly, eliciting a smile from Jungkook, who felt a warmth spreading through him.

Mr Kim's care was a stark contrast to his own father's neglect, and Jungkook was relieved he'd made the right choice to join this family.

"We bought some essentials and more clothes for you last night. Might be a tad big on you right now, but you'll grow into them in no time. If there's anything else you need, just tell me," Mr Kim offered.

Jungkook shook his head vigorously. "This is enough, thank you!"

Mr Kim smiled. "If there's any toys you want, just let me know. But shh, don't let Jin hear about this," he added playfully.

Feeling cherished and cared for, Jungkook beamed with happiness. "Okay, I won't" he said, giggling.

Mr Kim then pointed out Jungkook's bedroom at the end of the corridor, and Jungkook's eyes followed his gesture. Beside his room was another door, and Jungkook hoped it was Seokjin's room.

"Jin's room's right next to yours. Feel free to go in whenever you need his help. No need to be shy with us in this household," Mr Kim assured him.

Jungkook nodded.

"Alright, I'll whip up some pasta for us. Feel free to explore the house while I cook. And could you help me to wake Jin up?"

Jungkook nodded again and made his way to Seokjin's room. Pausing outside, he took a few deep breaths to steady himself, not wanting to appear too eager. He cleared his throat and knocked softly.

"Jin hyung? Can I come in?" he called out tentatively.

After a moment's silence, Jungkook opened the door. The room was dim with the curtains still drawn, and the scent of strawberries lingered in the air, just like yesterday when he first met this boy.

Carefully navigating the room, Jungkook approached Seokjin, who was sleeping with his head and half of his upper body on the floor, while his hips onwards was sprawled out on the bed. He was drooling and snoring as well.

"Jin hyung?" Jungkook called out, refraining a laughter from escaping his lips.

Seokjin stirred briefly on the floor and he stood up for a few seconds, before flopping back onto his bed and already dozing off again. Jungkook was taken aback by this powerful skill.

Shaking him once more yielded no response. "Jin hyung, wake up." Jungkook murmured, met with only mumbles and groans.

Left with no other choice, Jungkook leaned down and planted a peck on Seokjin's cheek. His mother used to do this whenever he refused to wake up.

Seokjin only mumbled something about chicken pizza in his sleep, a faint smile gracing his lips before licking them.

Jungkook watched, somewhat mesmerised by the movement of his lips. Without realising his behaviour, he found himself pecking Seokjin's lips.

Jin's Little Bunny✔ (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now