chapter 20

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Christine collapsed on the couch as she made it home that night. Who knew hunting down bad guys was so exhausting...Oh, wait....

Christine sighed and laid there on the couch not wanting to move, however she forced her self up as she heard something in the kitchen.....Which sounded a lot like Tea. Christine let out an exasperated sigh and got up. Could she not come home just one day and have a moment to relax?

She walked over to the kitchen door, but didn't go into the kitchen. She waited by the door and listened in.

"You said it your self! She is dangerous and can't be trusted...I mean she is Bakura's sister! And not the good one!" Tea exclaimed. She was not being very quiet about it either. 

Christine rolled her eyes *not this bull crap again* she thought in annoyance.

"The pharaoh trusts her" Joey's voice was heard. He was not being quiet about it either. They had clearly not heard her come in. 

"She betrayed him...Cheated on him with his best friend...What's to say she does not betray him again?! The pharaoh himself said she was a thief...The queen of thieves at that!" Tea exclaimed. She was digging in and trying to get them to see her point of view. 

"Being a thief doesn't necessarily made you a bad guy Tea" Tristan said with a sigh. he should know!

"no, but everything else that she has done does. She betrayed the pharaoh and attacked Egypt." Tea said exasperatedly as though that should be the breaker that would get them to come to her side of things. "she is no good, We have to get the pharaoh to see that before it's too late!" Tea said firmly. 

"'s not that we don't believe sure Christine has her fare share of bad...pasts. but the pharaoh normally has a pretty good judge of character." Tristan explained casually. Christine rolled her eyes. oh yeah he has great judgment. 

*yeah and look at what happened* she thought to her self bitterly. 

"It's his judge of character that started all this in the first place!" Tea snapped. Christine froze with surprise. Just what the hell was this bitch trying to say?  

"you saying you don't trust the pharaoh?" Joey asked getting a bit angry. Apparently Joey was on Christine's side of thinking. How dare she question the pharaoh?!

"No, I trust the pharaoh. Its her i don't trust!" Tea explained. 

Christine smirked. *that's fare...i don't trust me neither. and i especially DONT trust you!* she thought bitterly. *I want you out of this house!*

"well that is too bad Tea" The pharaoh's deep voice sounded, making Christine tense up and jump a little. When did he get in there? His voice was calm and cool. The sound made a shiver go down her spine. It was that tone he used when ever she would do something stupid and get in trouble. 

"Im sorry you feel that way Tea, But this is my choice. She is my past" The pharaoh explained. "I have already told you this. WE are not going to talk about this" 

"exactly. she is the past, it's not the past anymore!" Tea exclaimed with a hint of desperation in her voice. Why was he not getting it? Why did he continue to stand up for the sinful queen.

Christine felt a sharp pain shoot through her as she clenched her fists tightly. She was, of course, right. Christine was his past, and this isn't ancient Egypt any more. This was the modern era. She was no longer Queen of anything, she was a spirit trapped in a was the pharaoh...wasn't he? 

Christine looked away as she felt her self tremble as she backed away from the door. Turning she quickly ran out of the house as quietly as she could. She really didn't care if they had heard her, least if they didn't hear her leaving then that stupid cheerleader would not have anything to be smug about...but Christine was sure that she would find something.

Christine ran past the tree line and down the highway as she headed for the city. She was faintly aware of cars passing by her at high speeds, but she wasn't letting it stop her or distract her. She needed to get as much distance between her and the people that were currently inside her house. 

She wasn't sure where she was going exactly. she just allowed her feet to take her where ever it was that they were headed. 

By the time she had reached town her feet were starting to ache. She was panting, clearly winded from running. *Ra! how am I so out of shape! Bella is constantly training her body for these things!* she thought as she came to a stop in the park and collapsed onto the ground. 

She looked down at her leg where the pain was coming from. Her eyes widened as she saw her pant leg was torn and blood staining the cloth around it. *when did that happen!* she thought to her self as she sat up. she looked around, it was fairly dark but the street lamps gave more than enough light for her too see around her.  

She needed to keep moving. She didn't like how dark it was. Christine had saw enough horror in her life to know that this was not a safe place. 

Seeing a sharp rock she picked it up and used it to cut the ripped up pant leg tossing the bloodied cloth away from her she looked down at her leg seeing blood pumping out of the wound. It was a good size cut and pretty deep too.  "damn it!" she muttered. 

She looked around quickly as she heard something that made her tense up. *I better get out of here before someone shows up....with my luck it would probably be one of those dueling psycho freaks* she thought to her self as she forced her self to get up.

As she stood up a man in a cloak similar to the one that had attacked bella in the bathroom walked out into the open. "Hello there beautiful" he says with a sly smirk.

Christine quickly drew the gun from the Hollister. "Not today buddy" she says before shooting him in the chest causing him to fall to the ground.

Christine stared at the man breathing heavily. She limped over to the body and knelt down.

She grabbed hold of the stone and pulled it from his neck. "I'll be taking this" she says before she turned and limped away from the park as she slipped the stone into her pocket.

She kept to the lighted areas, as much as she hated it, she would rather be in the light then in the darkness....there were still people out and about so if anything were to happen, she would be seen.

An elder woman spotted her and stopped her. "are you alright dear?" she asked worriedly. 

"i...Im fine" Christine replied forcing a smile on her face. 

"You're bleeding!" The elder woman says with a gasp and she adopted a look of worry. 

"i...Im fine really. Im just trying to...get to a friends house" Christine says a little breathlessly. "i uh...I... kind of got ran out of my own house" she says sheepishly. 

The elder woman frowned. "Oh Christine. I do hope you are not letting that little hussy get to you" she says sadly. 

Christine looked at her slightly surprised. this woman knows me? Christine was speechless. 

"i assume you are looking for Derek's house?" The woman says going on casually as though she had not said anything while looking through her purse for something. "it's just down the next few blocks in those apartments" she explained as she pulled out a pen and wrote down the apartment address on Christine's hand. 

"Do get that looked at dear" she added before walking away. 

Christine stared at the woman very puzzled before she continued walking while shaking her head trying to get over the shaky feeling that was filling her. 

Christine turned down a road and walked up to an apartment complex. She looked up at the building and let out a sigh. She bit down and forced her self up the long stair way until she reached the right floor. she wasted no time in walking up to a door and rapidly knocked furiously. 

Once she heard shuffling she stopped and put her hand back to her side. She was relieved when the door opened revealing a half dressed Derek Morgan. Christine stared at him owlishly. She felt the heat burning at her face as she stared at him. 

"what's wrong? you ok? were you attacked again?" Derek quickly asked seeing her standing there and glanced her over seeing that she looked like she was going to pass out any second. 

"i....didnt know where else to go" Christine choked out just before falling to the ground in a dead faint causing Derek to jump into action and catch her before she hit the ground.

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