chapter 19

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~Christine stood on the wall that surrounded the palace and stared out into the town.

The pharaoh, was down below, sitting under a tree as he was studying some scrolls that he had been given by his father just before the late pharaoh had passed just days before.

"You should come down before you fall" The pharaoh called up as he looked up at her.

He faintly wondered how she had managed to get up on to the wall, but he didnt care enough to ask. He knew she liked to stare out at the town.

"I like staring out at the town" Christine looked down at him.

"You are only hurting your self" the pharaoh says with a sigh."besides, there is no reason for you to go out there. You have everything here" he added.

Christine looked away. "Not my freedom" she mumbled before jumping down off of the wall. Once she landed, she walked over to the Pharaoh and sat down beside him.

"What are those?" Christine asked.

"Those scrolls that father gave me" the pharaoh replied with a sigh as he rubbed at his face tiredly.

"What do they say?" Christine asked tilting her head puzzled.

"I haven't figured that out yet" The pharaoh scowled. "I've been trying to figure that out-"

"Since you got them" Christine interrupted. "Yeah I know. We sleep in the same room" she says softly.

The pharaoh suddenly turned to her. "Yeah that reminds me" he says.

Christine looked at him a little nervously.

"If I wake up again and find you sleeping on the floor any more there is going to be some problems." The pharaoh says scowling.

Christine's eyes widened. "I-I, but I..." she stammered. She didnt know what to say. It's not like she could stop it! It was a habit!

"If you want your own bed that is fine. We can get you a bed made up, but stop sleeping on the ground like that. That cannot be comfortable at least get a cover." the pharaoh says shaking his head.

Christine inwardly groaned a little. No it wasnt comfortable, but it was a habit! "I dont want my own bed. I'm sorry. I'll try. Its just...I dont know I'm doing it. It's a habit" she explained looking at him hoping that he would understand.

The pharaoh stared at her and sighs before smiling. He leaned over wrapped his arm around her pulling her closer to him and kissed her on the cheek. "I just want you to be comfortable...and happy" he says.

Christine tensed a little as she heard him. *Happy?* she thought as she laid her head on his shoulder.
"Great...can I kill Aknadin?" She asked hopefully.

The pharaoh sighs. "I know I promised you that you would get justice for what he did. But now isnt the time" he says.

Christine made a face and looked up at him, but did not move her head from his shoulder. "Why not?" She asked annoyed.

The pharaoh sighs. "Just not yet" he says. " we haven't figure out what we are going to do about this yet" he added.

"Kill him!" Christine deadpanned.~

Christine's eyes shot open as she jerked awake with a gasp. she looked around the room and saw the pharaoh half sitting in a chair and half laying on the bed beside her. Christine stared at him in confusion. What was he doing sleeping in a chair?

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