chapter 9

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Yugi jerked awake and looked around startled. a woman was standing over him.

"Sir the plane is about to land." she explained.

At first he looked confused and looked around before realizing he was on a plane.

(im not bothering with language diffrences unless they are commands for K9s)

"Thank you!" Yugi said straightening up in the seat.

The plan touched down onto the ground and drove up the run way to the dock coming to a complete stop.

As soon as they were given the ok everyone stood up grabbing their bags and making their way off the plane.

Yugi looked around the American air port. He walked around looking for a map. He walked out of the air port as soon as he confirmed they were at their right destination.

The pharaoh appeared beside. "Well, now what?" he asked his eyes were wide seeing the foreign area.

"We look for Christine." Yugi said firmly.

"How?" The pharaoh asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Had he come up with a plan?

"Uh, I hadn't thought about that." Yugi admitted with a sigh.

The Pharaoh sighed Of course not.

"It shouldn't be that hard to find her." Yugi said optimistically as he started walking down the side walks as casually as he could with out looking too much like a tourist. 

Yugi spent a couple hours walking around Quantico before finally having to stop for a break.

They were at coffee shop. Yugi had just ordered a to go cup of hot chocolate, and was trying to figure put where to go next. There was a map of the town up on a bulletin board that was inside the coffee shop.

"Hey, you look lost, are you ok?" he heard a male. Yugi turned around and saw a tall dark man standing there.

 Yugi turned around and saw a tall dark man standing there

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"i not from around here. I just got off the plane about a couple hours ago" Yugi said nervously. "I was just trying to figure out where things were." he explained.

"New? you got any family or friends here?" the man asked taking off his sunglasses. 

"yeah, um I was looking looking for her, but I took a break." Yugi responded quickly.

"got her number?" the man asked. "Call her up and let her let you're here." he suggested.

"um no, I dont have her number. We normally just correspond through a mutual friend. uh she...doesn't know I'm here. Her brother sent me. He was concerned. " Yugi said scratching the back of his head.

"probably should have gotten some details first kid. you flew all this way. Why didnt her brother come check on her if he was worried." the man replied looking him over with a suspicious look. 

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