She hesitantly reached over and shook his shoulder lightly. *I hope he isn't cranky in the mornings still.* she thought to her self as she quickly moved back and waited hesitantly.

seeing that he was waking up she was hesitant to relax, but seeing that he wasn't yelling or reacting in a violent manner she forced her self to relax.

Christine scooted over to the other side of the bed and threw the covers off herself.

"are you ok?"

Christine turned and looked over at the pharaoh. "I-I'm alright" she said with a hesitant smile. The pharaoh gave frown. She was clearly not alright? why was she lying to him?

"you had a panic attack. Are you sure you are ok?" He asked standing up from the chair and watched her carefully.

Christine nods. "Im fine. I was...taken of guard. it wont happen again" she said promisingly. *it cant happen again* she thought to her self firmly. She was determined to not let it happen again. She looked down in thought and then walked out of the room.

She made her way down the stairs and into the living room. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed her a drink.

she looked up hearing someone talking. she turned and looked at the door leading into the living room.

"you cant honestly be serious about this...about her!"

Christine raised an eyebrow. she wasn't really surprised hearing Tea. *They must be talking about me* Christine thought with a sigh. She could not catch a break...even in her own house. There must be something she could do about that annoying cheerleader. 

"Tea, Christine and i have already talked everything over. the past is in the past" the pharaoh spoke firmly and with a tone that clearly stated 'i do not want to talk about this anymore'. 

christine felt her self relaxing at his words and smiled a bit. *even after everything I've told are still giving me another chance* she thought shaking her head. This man must really be stubborn as hell or he really does mean it. 

"how can you be so...casual about this?! she cheated on you! and you are just going to let it go, she was talking to him last night!" Tea whisper/exclaimed. Christine tensed up hearing her words. So she did know? It was her that had been listening in on her and Mahad. She let out a growl of frustration. 

Christine walked out into the living room and glared at Tea as she walked up and stood beside the pharaoh. "after all this time you still cant seem to help your self Mana. you were always trying to break us up in Egypt." She said coldly. her eyes narrowed at the girl who was staring at her with a look of distrust. Christine rolled her eyes. This girl just could not take a hint. 

The pharaoh looked at Christine surprised. "What did you call her?" he asked puzzled. it was as if he recognized the name. Christine flinched a little. It was only a matter of time before he started piecing things together. 

"Mana. holder of the dark magician girl." Christine replied as she picked up the deck of cards that the pharaoh had assembled for her as well as the duel disk. The pharaoh had a look of surprise on his face.

"So that is why you don't like her?" he mumbled mainly to him self. Christine sighed and turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"you always did favor her." Christine replied coldly as she turned and walked out the door missing the smug look on Tea's face hearing what she said. Christine grumbled to her self in annoyance.

She made her way to headquarters after stopping for a drink and a muffin at the coffee shop. she stared down at the duel disk with a sigh as she waited anxiously for the elevator to stop.

"damn technology" she snapped bitterly as she walked out of the elevator when it finally opened.

"hey Christine?"

she looked over at glared at the person speaking...who happened to be Reid. "show me how to work this damn thing" she said snappishly as she sat down and turned to the computer while she took a bite of the muffin.

"Is there something specific you are needing?" Reid asked as he walked over to her. 

"besides a hacker?" Christine replied sarcastically as Reid booted up the computer.

"ah...Penelope would be the best one there" Reid replied with a 'yikes' look on his face as she took a drink. Christine looked at the cup and made a face. something about the drink was off. 

"I think I can do it" Christine said holding up a duel disk. "I need to be able to hack this. Not this specifically but one like this" she explained as she tossed the cup into a trash can. 

"not your flavor?" Reid asked seeing the cup in the trash. 

"ugh. i dont know. it tastes off" Christine says shaking her head. 

Reid looked over the duel disk curiously. "What does it do?" He asked having only seen it the day Bella's soul had been taken. and even then he hadn't been paying attention to it. 

"It's a duel disk, they use it for dueling. A card game" Christine explained quickly.

Reid had a look of confusion on his face but didn't say anymore as he worked on trying to help her.

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