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"Since you chickened out last time, I brought the guys and we're gonna play games!" Kazuichi announced as they entered the house that held me and Nagito. He still wasn't officially living there, but I didn't know what was gonna happen.

As Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Teruteru, Sonia, and Ibuki walked in, they all noticed Nagito who was hiding behind me because of his unusual attire, a maid costume.

"Hey, what's wrong with Nagito?" Sonia asked politely as she tried to peek behind me, but Nagito ran off behind something else.

"You know if it's that much of a problem, go change." I looked at the embarrassed boy. He looked at me, then the others. He then made a run for it to a bedroom.

"So, he's gone." Teruteru shrugged as we all gathered around a table to play games.

"He'll be back." I chuckled. As my predictions had said, he approached us with his normal clothes on.

"Sorry about that." He scratched the back of his neck.

"You have caused no delay." Peko shook her head.

"Now how about a round of the ol' fashioned truth or dare?" Kazuichi winked at Sonia quickly then turned back at everyone else.

"Tch. Fine." Fuyuhimo mumbled and started us off, "Ibuki, truth or dare?"

"Oh! Ibuki goes with a truth!" Ibuki's smile shined in the light.

"Have you ever broken the law?" Fuyuhiko let his hand slouch onto his palm.

"Ibuki would never and she swears on her honor!" Ibuki saluted with her hand as Sonia giggled. "How about you Teruteru? Truth or dare?"

"I'll go with dare." Teruteru seductively smiled at the word dare. Everyone at the table knew his perverted intentions, of course.

"I dare you to not make a perverted joke for 5 minutes!" Ibuki placed her hands on her hips proudly.

"Dang." Teruteru scoffed and turned to Kazuichi, "Truth or dare?"

"I'll do a dare." Kazuichi replied.

"I dare you to kiss Sonia." Teruteru joked while Kazuichi stared at Teruteru with an 'are you crazy' look on his face.

"Ugh.. Ms. Sonia.. we are dating so I guess it's okay?" He leaned forward awkwardly and kissed her for a second and backed up looking like a tomato.

"Hah! You should've seen the look on your face!" Fuyuhiko teased Kazuichi as he slammed his fist on the table.

"Hmph. Hajime, truth or dare?" Kazuichi looked at me. I didn't want to be thought of as a chicken so I decided to go for a risk and choose dare.

"Dare, I guess."

A smirk crawled up Kazuichi's face as he turned to Nagito, then back to me.

"I dare you to spend 3 minutes in the closet with Nagito." He pointed to the closet where guests could hang coats. I saw that Nagito tried his best to not make a reaction, but I failed.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"It's a dare, you have to do it." Kazuichi demanded as he started to push us both in. When the door shut and me and Nagito were squished together, I could hear a faint "Good luck!"

"That damn.." I grumbled as I clenched my fist. I looked around as there was little space in the dark closet where me and Nagito were left standing chest to chest, centimeters away from kissing.

"Sorry I dragged you into this mess.." Nagito's voice could be heard in the dark, but I couldn't quite make out his facial features.

"No, it's that Kazuichi's fault." I told him with a tone of annoyance.

"But it's kinda nice, for it to be so silent.."


With each second that passed, I could feel his breath on me that showed how close we were to each other.

"This is.. awkward.." I could feel Nagito shifting his position as he also looked at the perimeter of the closet. I decided it was time for me to make a move, so I pulled on Nagito's collar and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Is that better?" I gasped.

"You know, whenever I'm around you, I sometimes feel safer." Nagito confessed quietly as he pulled me into a hug with his arms around my waist.

"Hearing that from you makes it even better." I smiled even though Nagito wouldn't be able to see it. I then pulled him in for another suprise kiss and as the door began to unlock, we pulled away while I still was blushing like crazy.

"Sooo, what did you two do?" Teruteru smirked, assuming that his 5 minutes were over for his dare.

"W-we didn't do anything, just waited." I tried my best to act natural.

"That's no fun." Ibuki frowned, puffing her cheeks up.

"So are we gonna be done with our games or what?" Fuyuhiko walked back to the table as Peko followed behind.

"Oh! Have you heard of spin the bottle?" Sonia raised her index finger with an excited look.

"Only one round." Peko interrupted, giving a rule.

"Okay! Whoever it lands on has to kiss Hajime!" Kazuichi bumped his elbow to me.

"Why me?" I complained, completely wanting to be out of the question.

"Just go with the flow." Kazuichi winked at me, not helping at all.

The bottle then spun around and around, going from each person. To Peko, to Teruteru, to Kazuichi, to Sonia, to Nagito, to Ibuki, to Fuyuhiko, then to me as it kept spinning. The bottle then started to slow. To Kazuichi, to Sonia.. then barely, just barely...
to Nagito

"Well what do you know? Ibuki thinks luck wants them to be together." Ibuki chuckled.

"Well you two have to do it." Peko had a small smile that could be seen on her face.

"Peko, you too?" I shouted.

"See? Everyone agrees you two should kiss!" Teruteru started to play with his nails and then looked at me and Nagito both in the eyes.

"But there is no time limit." Nagito interjected. I sighed in relief, glad that I wouldn't be put in that bad of hell.

"Skedaddle skidoodle, you two must kiss for 10 seconds or else you're a noodle!" Sonia pointed at us.

"What..?" Fuyuhiko sweated, obviously confused.

"Come on, just do it!" Kazuichi pushed me onto Nagito, our lips almost touching. At first I hesitated, but since I had no way of getting out, I kissed him.

Those ten seconds felt like ten hours, but when we broke free, everyone had a smirk on their face.

"W-what?" I growled.

"Calm down." Nagito firmly grabbed my wrist and then returned to his original position.

"Otp!" Sonia pressed her hand against Ibuki's as they did a small cheer.

"Before we all leave, let's say goodbye." Peko announced.

"Oh yeah, bye guys." Teruteru sadly waved before going out the door while everyone else followed, leaving me and Nagito.

"They are starting to get on my nerves." I scowled before turning away.

"Hey, d-did those things you did in the closet mean anything?" Nagito shyly asked. I stopped in my tracks.

"They can~" I winked at him before going off to my bedroom.

Happy birthday Peko!

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