Chapter 5

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Prince happily skipped around his house before stopping at his fridge to search for a nice little snack. He hummed while in absolute pure bliss, shaking his li'l bum to the beat of the song he hummed. It's been a good week or so since Goggles had confessed to Prince, and he's been in a world of sheer happiness since. He's happy to know that the love that he chased after, for what seemed like forever, was finally his.

He grabbed a plastic container full of bright red strawberries before shuffling his way over to one of the cabinets. Still happily bouncing a bit, he reached into the cabinet and pulled out a jar of chocolate spread and set it down before cheerily twisting off and setting the lid to the side. He dipped a strawberry into the creamy smooth spread before taking a savory bite out of the sweet and tart treat. Right after, he let out a content "Mmmmmm..."

N-Pacer had walked into the room, greeting Prince with a small smirk. "You're oddly happy today." she commented. "Mhm! Goggles is finally my boyfriend!" he squeaked before popping another chocolate spread covered strawberry into his mouth. He was expecting to see a proud and pleased smile on the tan-skinned squid's face, however, he was only greeted by an expression of slight apprehensiveness and displeasure. It caught the small monarch off guard.

"You sure?" she said, sounding a bit hesitant. What had she meant by that? Surely the blueberry was his and ONLY his. "Of course! He confessed to me." he countered. She pulled a skeptical expression before closing her eyes and shrugging. "M'alright..."

Her acquiescence bothered the young king internally, but he didn't press the issue. His mood was shaken up by her suspicion, and he decided to spend the day with his love to take the negativity off of his mind. He pulled out his phone and texted Goggles.

(You on, Goggs?)>

<(Mhm! Y? :0c)

(I wanted to know if you're free to hang out!)>

<(Yea!!! I'm at the fountain near the park!!!! I'll be waiting for u ^//w//^ <33)

(Okay! On my way!)>

Prince tucked his phone back into his pocket before walking into the large living room and heading out the front door, happily smiling at the cool breeze that greeted him before trotting down the brick pathway to the giant golden gate entrance that stood in front of the large mansion. After pushing it open, he began making his way to the fountain that Goggles had mentioned.

After a bit a walking, he found the area growing more lush with trees and bushes full of familiar flowers and berries. He'd finally arrived at the park area, where in the distance he saw Goggles happily sitting on the edge on the fountain, kicking his legs in a carefree manner. Oddly enough, we wasn't alone. Another inkling was beside him, an emotionless frown on their face. Prince squinted his eyes and finally made out who the inkling was.


The tall yellow green squid always followed Goggles around. It seemed strange seeing as he made it clear he hated Goggles. Maybe he was just... lonely? Whatever. Prince wasn't gonna let it bother him. He dashed over to his lover, squeaking his name. "Hey! Goggles!" Goggles faced the direction Prince was in before smiling. "Hello, Honey Bear!" he said in return. 'Honey Bear' was a nickname Goggles had given to Prince, due to the color of his hair and how he was snuggly like a little bear. Prince liked it.

"Hey, N-Pacer found out we were dating and she was all skeptical! Pssh, can you believe that?" Prince said, rolling his eyes and smirking. "Tch, she's just jealous! This is true love!" Goggles said with one of those proud frowns.

Prince giggled before speaking once more. "Well, you wanna go for a walk? The flowers look great this time of year!"

"Yeah! Oh, can we bring Rider, too?" he asked. Prince glanced up at Rider, who's piercing yellow green stare hit him through the corner of his narrow eye. "Yeah! C'mon you two!" he turned and lead the way down a trail, Goggles and Rider following behind him.

Halfway through the walk, Prince realized that Goggles wasn't walking beside him anymore. He was behind him, conversing with Rider, who was surprisingly chatting back, chuckling every once and awhile. It warmed Prince's heart to hear them getting along for once, and he was able to relax and enjoy the scenery of colorful flowers that were in bloom after hiding away from winter's harsh wrath. Brilliant arrays of blues, reds, pinks, or purples that contrasted with the darker green shades of the grass beneath them.

However, the colorful plumes couldn't shake something off of Prince's mind. The negativity N-Pacer had shown towards the announcement of his and Goggles' relationship. It stuck to him like hot glue on a craft project. He jumped a little upon hearing Goggles call his name.

"Honey Bear? You okay?" Goggles said, genuine concern in his voice.

"Mm? Oh yeah, just in thought at the moment. Thank you though-"

"M'kay." Goggles said before giving Prince a chance to finish. He immediately fell back and began speaking to Rider once more. 'My typical li'l idiot...'

They'd been walking for hours now, and they were growing close to Prince's home. The sky had become a pitch black, the only things illuminating it being the stars that draped across it and glistened like raindrops in the sun.

Prince stood still at the golden mansion gate before turning to face Goggles. "Hey, honey... Wanna spend the night at my place?" he said, a pink blush dusting his soft pale cheeks.

Goggles sucked his teeth before glancing up at Rider. "Sorry Honey Bear, but I have to do something important with Rider..." he said, fiddling with his thumbs.

Prince was pretty hurt by Goggles' denial, but he didn't make a fuss. "Oh... Okay, well have fun now! Love you." Goggles didn't even return the sentiment, only happily skipping away beside Rider.

He sighed and smiled, shaking his head. "Gotta love that dummy..." he purred to himself before making his way back to his mansion home.

Hoo boy, some boyfriend Goggles is, huh? Don't worry, Prince, you'll get used to it!
It's 3am here and I need slemp,,,

Distant, Yet so Close (PrinceXGoggles)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora