Chapter 3

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Prince was sitting in his bed, staring up at his ceiling. His mind was a thorn bush of thoughts, ideas twisting and tangling around and against one another in a cluster of confusing madness that made his head hurt. He squeezed a plushie that he bought from the shopping district in his arms, his face scrunched up in frustration and stress. His usually pale face was painted with a dark bitter red blush that flushed over his entire body. His knuckles were pale from the tight grip he held on his soft fluffy plush. His nails tore small holes in his soft silent companion, causing bits of cotton to stick out of the incisions. Prince was so caught up in his haze of stress and anxiety that he didn't even notice his older brother walk in.

The king sat on his younger brother's bed beside him, his expression showing great worry for him. "Hey there little buddy... What's the matter?" Emperor asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Nothing..." Prince's voice quivered and was nearly just a whisper. He had his mouth buried in his small squeezable plush.

Emperor placed a hand on Prince's shoulder and their golden eyed gazes met one another's. Concern glittered in the eldest sibling's narrow gaze, making his eyes seem like a pool of melted shimmering gold. "Don't lie to your brother. Tell me what's the matter. I'm here for you." An edge of terseness mixed with sympathy wavered in Emperor's voice.

Prince knew that, but he didn't know if his brother would approve of his actions and thoughts. He was fearful that he would get overprotective and stop him from pursuing his love. He took a deep inhale and calmed his nerves before speaking once more.

"W..What do you do w-when you like someone but you're... scared that they're gonna reject you..?" Prince asked with such an innocent and slightly fearful tone. He shut his eyes tight, expecting his brother to get immediately defensive.

Emperor's eyebrows rose as a wave of realization washed over his body before he spoke again. "I see... What's her name?" Prince's heart sank and he gritted his teeth when he realized his brother was under the impression that he loved a girl. He was afraid to tell him that he was crushing on a boy instead, and he fell into a deliberate silence. Prince glanced at his brother's face. His brother had a calm look on his face, and he wasn't rushing the answer out of his younger sibling. "Take your time." Emperor said.

The silence between them ate at Prince. It was so loud and he finally broke it, not wanting to keep his secret away from his brother any longer.

"I-It's... It's not a girl.." Prince shamefully admitted, glancing away to make sure his gaze didn't meet his brother's. He held a breath, awaiting a verbal assault, but he was surprised to be met with his brother's understanding gaze.

"So you like boys?" Prince nervously nodded at his brother's question, praying to cod that he wouldn't be disgusted.

After a bit, a sweet smile spread across Emperor's face. "That's absolutely fine, little brother." He gently patted his head. Prince felt his heart soar and his muscles finally relaxed. "You... You really think so?" the innocent sparkle returned to Prince's eyes as he began to feel hopeful. "Mhm. I wouldn't be mad at you for loving who you want to love! I wouldn't be a good big brother if I did!" Emperor chuckled. Prince let out a sigh of pure happiness and relief. "Thank you..."

"Oh, and when it comes to confessions, be sure not to rush it, m'kay? Take your time and wait for the perfect moment. And yes, it's frustrating keeping all these emotions bottled up, but you don't wanna take the wrong step, alrighty?" Emperor spoke, his tone of voice at a soothing level.

Prince nodded before giving his brother a big tight hug.

"Thank you so much!"

"Nooowwww... Who's the lucky boy?" Emperor asked with a grin spread across his face. Prince fiddled with his fingers before muttering the name of his beloved.

Emperor kept his smug smile and raised a brow. "I'm honestly not surprised" he chuckled. "He's a little idiot, but he sure is a charmer, ain't he?" The older brother joked.

"He may be a little bit of a dummy... But he's my dummy." Prince said, giggling.


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