"Death is Only the Beginning"

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Tori's POV

Before I knew it we all were back in the plane, the way down the mountain was much easier than the trek up. I noticed out the window the dragon was nearby. Mum was quiet and dad seemed to be his usual self.

"Port-side 9 o'clock." Mad Dog exclaimed. "Hey Rick... Should I quit drinking?" He asked my Dad. Dad shook his head and then the conversation ceased. We quickly and quite abruptly landed in the middle of nowhere near the wall. I deplaned with my mum in front of me. We started walking again, I'd gotten my fill of exercise for the year. I just wanted to sit on the couch and eat cookies after this. After we disembarked Mad Dog took back off into the cloudy sky to bring reinforcements for us to fight off the emperor.

"Jonathan to Rick." I heard the radio in my dad's hand crackle.

"You'd better get a move on... If you're gonna beat him to the Tomb." My uncle told us.

"Yeah, yeah, just get back here as fast as you can, for reinforcements... No sight seeing." Dad told him sternly, looking angry at the fact that he had to do this again. I sighed, grabbing two guns for both my dad and I.

"Here, dad." I threw him the gun. He caught it with ease.

"For me?" he asked looking thankful.

"Yeah. It's Alex's don't get too excited, you know knives are my forte." I told him. He smiled.

"Just like your mother." He chuckled.

"Now remember the terracotta army is not indestructible until they cross the great wall." Lins mother chided from behind us.

"Well that's comforting, how exactly are we supposed fend them off?" Aunt Evy asked as she racked her handgun.

"When the Emperor built the wall, he buried his enemies underneath it, then cursed their souls to hold it up for eternity. Most of them were conquered soldiers. I will call them to battle once again." Lins mother continued. I nodded and caught up to my mom to make sure she was alright.

"Unlock an altar, raise an army. That sounds like a plan. Let's go." Dad said to all of us huddled in the group. Walking closer to the wall, we picked a spot with rocks all around us so no one would get past us in their attempt to become immortal.

"You alright mum?" I asked her inquisitively.

"I will be when this is over." She smiled at me tiredly. The fire that once was in those green eyes gone. I looked back to my dad who was looking at the scene unfold through binoculars, while he was perched behind a rock.

"Alex?" Dad asked, he looked to his left to see him gone.

"Where'd he go?" I asked.

"Where do you think?" Evy asked both of us with a hint of sarcasm crawling up next to us. I looked through the binoculars seeing what I can only describe as the emperor raising his terracotta army, speaking to them as if he was about to rule the world reminding me of Hitler. I quickly moved with my parents and Aunt closer to the chaos that was about to erupt. I stood behind a rock with Aunt Evy as my mum and dad were off to my right. Mum and dad moved forwards guns in tow even closer to the mess that was about to erupt.

"Today you awake to a world in the grip of chaos and corruption. I will restore order...I will retake what is mine. I will crush any idea of freedom." I rolled my eyes at his lines, doesn't he know this is not the world it used to be?

"I will slaughter without mercy. I will conquer without compassion. I will now lead you past the Great Wall." I growled at that tightening my grip on the machine gun I held in my hands.

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