Three Headed Son of a Bitch

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Tori's POV

We had pulled a door off the city to transport my dad to Shangri La. Jon had refused to leave mum in the hands of anyone other than himself. He stubbornly carried her in his arms all the way to our destination. The Yeti's were proving helpful from Lin as they were carrying my dad on the door, they were actually quite caring and loyal creatures from what I'd come to learn. I did the best I could to hold it together, Alex hadn't left my side, and both Evy and Lin were figuring out the best possible way to get to where we needed to be. We stopped for a break and Uncle Jon only set mum down beside him to play with one of her favorite knives, he'd let out yelps every now and then when he would cut himself from trying to do tricks with it. I was quiet and started to lose hope as I watched both my parents in their unconscious state. As we got up to move, Uncle Jon pocketed mums knife and scooped her up again, I tried to keep track of the blood they were losing which was proving even more difficult. We had make shifted tourniquets and did the best we could to keep things in for my dad. Mum was different, we had left the knife in where it was and Jon made sure not to move it a lot while walking. We had been hiking for around 3 hours and I was preparing myself for the worst. They were everything that had shaped me into the person I was. I couldn't even imagine them gone forever and never being able to talk to them or see them again. All because I wanted to be more like them, to live up to their legacy. My mother was the one I looked up to most, she was brave and resilient, smart and quite frankly a bad ass. She survived WWII, trained soldiers who went in to fight battles and even fought some herself through the Nazi invasion. Although she had promised she never would, both my dad and I knew she couldn't resist it, she was born for the adventure and wars.

"We made it!" Lin yelled to us slamming me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw a hole in the side of the mountain. A tear slipped out of my eye as I realized we all might make it out of this alive.

"The pool!" Alex breathed out as we made it inside, he started running towards the thing and a woman made her move to stop him, coming out of the wood work. I yelled for him. Lin stopped her from slicing Alex to pieces as she held back tears and hugged the woman who was going to attack Alex.

"It's her mom." Aunt Evy told me. As we slid my dad off his door, Alex struck up a conversation with Lin's mother and we were welcomed with open arms.

"Come." The woman looked at me and smiled going to help us with both of my parents. We moved them near the pool that was surrounded by candles. She took a shell filling it with water and dripped it into my dads wounds first. He gasped and I smiled as Aunt Evy was next to his side.

"Where's Joe?" Dad asked her as he came back to conciousness. Evy's smile dropped as she nodded next to him where Uncle Jon had crouched down with mum. Dad looked to his left to see my mum lying there still in my uncles arms, breathing labored and still unconscious. Dad moved to touch her but Lins mother pushed him back down.

"He must rest." She said to Evy as she went back to the pool for more water for my mum. She set down the water next to her as she reached for the knife in mums ribs, Uncle Jon stopped her looking at her weary of the action. She nodded placing her spare hand on his shoulder in comfort. She grabbed hold of the handle and swiftly pulled it out and poured the water into her wounds. Mum's breathing changed but she didn't wake up.

"Thank you." Aunt Evy said as she brushed a hair from mums forehead.

"They will be okay. We'll take them to my chamber." Lins mom said a smile gracing her face as we prepared to move them. Uncle Jon moved up the steps following Lin's mother to her chamber, I knew it was hard for him to leave them there, but he knew we had done all that we could at that time. I stayed with them for a little bit then I walked downstairs to be with Jon, he was going to be the only one to keep my mind afloat. As I walked up behind him I heard him mutter some words.

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