She started slowly standing up. She stood straight.

"Oh, I could sta-"

Suddenly she lost her balance as her legs got numb a few seconds after.

She fell foward but fortunately, Damian caught her. However, her fall made him lose balance too.

So he fell backwards with his hands holding her.

They both grunted as they landed on the floor.

"Nevermind. Looks like I can't" she pouted before holding herself above him to get up.

Damian wanted to take this chance to ask her something.

Something he's been wanting to ask.


She was still hovering above him as he held her arms.

"Will you-"

All of a sudden the door opened,

"Sorry" smirked Bruce as he saw (Y/N) on top of Damian.

They both looked his way at the same time.

"Ever heard of knocking, Father?" Damian stated as he helped (Y/N) stand up and walk to her bed.

He was a bit pissed off. He wasn't able to finish his sentence.

The door opened more as Bruce walked inside, still with that small smirk,

"I would, if I knew things like this happens under my roof"

"Steph and Tim?" Damian gave an example.

"I know they're dating. But you both? Some birdy told me you both are not together" he glanced over to (Y/N).

She gave him a 'Are you serious?' look for saying that.

Damian sighed,

"Are you going to tell her?"

"Yes. Go on patrol" Bruce replied.

(Y/N) was confused as she watched Damian close the door behind him,

"Tell me what?" She had her back straight as she was sitting on her bed

"Yesterday, I spoke with Jim"

She hummed to let him know that he can continue.

"You don't have to go to jail for being an acquaintance for the crime you did with your father"

"Really?" Her eyes widened.

"Yes. I convinced him. It was justice after all. I know you're a good kid and you just wanted to spend time with your parent. It's not your fault that your parent is a criminal"

"Thanks, Bruce" she replied with a very thankful smile.

He returned the smile before turning serious again,

"However, your father..."

(Y/N) lowered her head. She knew where this was going. Her father was going to have to go to jail. He'll have to be more careful.

"Yeah I know. He HAS to go to jail" she finished his sentence.


She looked at him, confused.

"Your father was caught yesterday night. He was put behind bars"

She placed her hands on her face as she sighed,

"I told him to be careful"

"You're encouraging him?" He questioned.

"No" she rolled the word.

"I'm just giving him my trust, you could say"

He raised an eyebrow after trying to understand what she meant.

"I mean, what parent wouldn't want their child to support them and tell them that they're the best and all"

He lowered his head a bit as he reflected with his sons,

"I guess you're right"

"(Y/N)! Cass- Oh, Bruce" said a female voice. (Y/N) immediately recognized that it was the girl she met earlier, Stephanie.

"I'll leave you girls alone. I've already said what I needed to say" he excused himself before leaving the room.

Stephanie pushed Barbara in and another girl followed behind.

"(Y/N)?" Said the girl in short black hair.

"Wait, so it's you?" (Y/N) questioned as her eyes widened a bit.

She knew the girl. Just by seeing her face, she remembered who Cassandra was.

And Cassandra knew her too.

"You already know each other?" asked Barbara as she switched her attention from (Y/N) to Cassandra and from Cassandra to (Y/N).

"I feel dumb for forgetting your name" (Y/N) commented.

"I didn't know it was you until now" Cassandra replied.

"And you can speak?" (Y/N) added.

"Yeah well, practice" she replied proudly.

Cassandra and (Y/N) both laughed as Stephanie and Barbara were both silent, still in shock.

"Okay, clearly, we need a lot to talk about" Stephanie stated.

The others nodded in response.

[End of Chapter 40]


Word Count: 1,135

Woohoo! Chapter 40!!

Anyways, who's your favorite? Stephanie, Cassandra or Barbara?

Also, Riddler has been caught, yikes.

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