Two Worlds Apart... Joined by a Heart

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My life was like a bag of heartbreaks,
All coz of those fake lovers;
But then you stepped in,
And helped me a lot to recover.

I didn't have the guts to talk to you,
There were a lot of questions in my mind;
What would I do? What if you were rude?
All these were answered by your nature kind.

It was like a dream to talk to you,
My heart was so confused;
How could this actually be true?

Oh girl you're so kind,
I really love you;
I was really shocked to feel your love back,
It was like a dream come true.

Tbh, my eyes fill up with tears at times,
Whenever I imagine ur smile;
It feels like you're right in front,
But the Moment doesn't let me make u mine.

I felt something when I saw you,
That resisted me from looking away;
After having such a loving chat,
Girl, U had just made my day!

I know all this may not seem true,
Coz words will never be able to describe you.


~This is a poem on how love can be the greatest at times, even though your past is the worst. Love is not actually a trap, it is the most beautiful feeling in the world... but some people make it trap. This causes people to lose trust in love and eventually end up never experiencing this beautiful feeling again.

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