Revenge Makes For Bad Decisions

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After he had recovered Knock Out was helping out around the scrap yard trying to figure out how he could help the team since he wasn't a medic anymore.

The others were talking trying to figure out how to help him. Ratchet had told them that Knock Out's servos were fully repaired but his confidence had been damaged and he didn't think he could operate as a medic anymore.

Because what happened with MECH and Night Wolf had traumatize him. And he blamed himself for the world learning of their existence. And they all felt bad for him.

Then Soundwave started playing a song about trying at him. But Knock Out just told him to turn it down not understanding that Soundwave was trying to send him a message. And walked off to do something.

"Nice try Soundwave." Shayna told him.

Ratchet had been watching from the medbay. Knock Out's situation wasn't the only thing on their minds they were still getting used to the fact that the world now knew about them.

Luckily the government was on their side but the others humans had mixed feelings and reactions to them. Some were afraid and didn't like them and some thought they were cool and did. They were suddenly famous now.

Ratchet was intrepid from his thoughts when he saw Starscream going somewhere.

"Where are you going?" He asked the seeker.

"I'm going for a flight to clear my processor." Starscream explained.

"Ok but be careful." Ratchet told him. Starscream nodded then left the scrap yard and took off in his jet mode.

He didn't tell any of them what he was really doing. Starscream was actually going after MECH and Night Wolf. Which ever he found first.

He wanted to make MECH pay for killing Megatron and he wanted to get back at both MECH and Night Wolf for what they did to Knock Out.

Meanwhile MECH was at their base trying to decide what to do about Night Wolf betraying them and how to wipe out all the cybertronians.

A woman had showed up and told them how to building a weapon that would do that. But it would take a while to build.

And Cane agreed to work with her to make it.

"You didn't tell me your name?" Cane asked the woman.

"My name isn't important just think of me as someone who hates them as much as you do." She told him.

"Ok." Cane said before they got to work. He didn't know who this woman was or how she found their base but if she could help him destroy his enemies he didn't care.

Meanwhile Starscream was flying when he spotted Night Wolf and before the wolf mech knew what hit him Starscream's jet mode flew at him at full speed.

Then Starscream transformed in midair and punched Night Wolf in the faceplates as he slammed into him.

Then the seeker delivered one puch after another.

"You monster you almost killed him and he might never be a medic again thanks to you!" Starscream yelled at Night Wolf as he continued to attack him.

"Good only I'm sorry he survived I was hoping he'd offline after slowly succumbing to his wounds." Night Wolf said with a smirk.

That made Starscream mad and he started punching Night Wolf harder.

But then Night Wolf took him by surprise and used his supersonic howl to blast Starscream hard into the ground.

Then before the seeker could get back up he used his EMP to stun him so he couldn't move. Then walk over and kicked him.

"You know it's kind of ironic that a bot named Starscream was taken down by a scream well actually a howl but their practically the same thing." Night Wolf mocked the downed seeker.

Starscream tried to say something but was to weak to speak after being hit by the EMP.

"Now I think I'll teach you a lesson for attacking me." Night Wolf said as he scratched Starscream across the cheek with his claws leaving a cut there.

Then Night Wolf turned the Starscream who was still too stunned to move over so that if he was human he'd be laying on his belly.

Starscream was now frightened he was trying desperately to move wanting to fight back but was paralyzed from having the EMP used on him and Night Wolf had mad sure it was just low enough to leave him conscious but strong enough so he couldn't move.

Starscream didn't know what Night Wolf was going to do to him or why he had turned him over like that.

"Nice wings." Night Wolf hissed into Starscream's audio receptors making the seeker's spark race with panic.

The he felt Night Wolf stab his claws into his wings and send electricity through them making Starscream cry out in pain as coolant tears flowed from his optics.

Then Night Wolf started clawing at the seeker's wing and to spite being unable to move Starscream managed to let out some blood curdling screams.

Then he felt Night Wolf rip some wires loose and used his claws to shock Starscream a few more times. And the seeker could feel energon leaking from his wounds.

"See that wasn't so bad was it?" Night Wolf mocked the now badly injured seeker as he caressed Starscream faceplates. "Now you'll never fly again."

Starscream just laid there with a sad and broken expression in his optics and his faceplates were soaked with coolant tears.

Then Night Wolf went over and rip out Starscream's com-link and kicked him a few times then shot him with the EMP again this time rendering the seeker unconscious.

"Night Wolf what did you do to Starscream?" A voice asked from behind some trees that sounded both angry and saddened.

"I didn't know you were on Earth." Night Wolf said to the mech who had just emerged from the behind the trees.

"Steeljaw I'm surprised to see you here little brother." Night Wolf told the other wolf mech.

"We aren't brothers anymore we may be related but you stopped being my brothers when you started torturing bot and experamenting on your patients." Steeljaw said with hate in his voice.

"You always were the weak one out of the two of us." Night Wolf told his younger sibling.

"I'm not weak I'm just not a monster like you are." Steeljaw hissed. "I'm calling Ratchet Starscream needs medical attention." Then Steeljaw started to activate his com-link.

"Sorry I can't let you do that Steeljaw." Night Wolf told his little brother before he used his EMP to knock him out. Then dragged him off into the night leaving Starscream to bleed out.

To Be Continued.

Another evil cliffhanger for you all. We're getting close to the climax now. So hope your all enjoying this story so far. I'll try to have the next chapter up soon in the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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