Death Of A Warrior

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Warning this chapter might make you cry.

Meanwhile Starscream and DeAnn had come out of the ground bridge in the desert. When Pixel suddenly took off running.

And they both followed the Minicon to try to keep him from getting into trouble. And they came across a building and realized it was one of MECH's bases that had been abandoned.

"This place hasn't been deserted for long I can still see tire tracks." Starscream told DeAnn.

"So why did they just clear out?" Asked DeAnn. "And in such a hurry."

Upon looking closer they saw that there were parts of the base that had been ransacked.

"Looks like they bite off more then they could chew." Starscream said looking at the damage.

The two went inside to see if they could figure out what had happened and check for survivers.

When they heard sounds that sounded like something between groans and whimpers.

Starscream went first and motioned for DeAnn to stay at a distance not wanting her to get hurt if it turned out to be dangerous.

Starscream slowy walked towards were the sounds were coming from. And came to a door and upon opening it his optics widened in horror.

"No!" He cried running to a mech he found on the floor.

Pixel ran in as well and DeAnn rush after the minicon who now had coolant tears in his optics. DeAnn pick up the minicon who was still crying.

Upon seeing the mech Starscream was standing over DeAnn was shocked. "Is that?" She started to ask before Starscream cut her off.

"Megatron." The seeker answered fighting back his own coolant tears.

The former Decepticon leader's body had been ransacked, his optics were dark meaning he was blind in them. And he had wounds that were leaking energon all over his frame, and there was a huge crack through his chestplates where his spark and several wires were exposed.

And the most disturbing thing was the energon he was leaking was dark energon.

"What happened to him?" Asked DeAnn.

"MECH happened!" Starscream almost sobbed. "Those monsters."

Starscream could see Megatron was only alive do to the dark energon they had forced into his tank.

The old warlord had been damaged so badly he had only had enough strength to break free from his restraints and lash out at MECH before he had apparently collapsed.

"How could they!" Starscream cried. "How could they put that in his tank after all the pain and trouble that caused him and everyone else before!"

"Can we save him if we somehow get him to Ratchet or Knock Out?" DeAnn asked.

Starscream stayed silent. He didn't want to accept it but he knew that even if they could find one of the medics Megatron would never be fully functional again.

Megatron was already dead for the most part except for the dark energon that wouldn't let him die. He was suffering.

Starscream didn't know what to do.

Megatron started convulsing. And Starscream told DeAnn and Pixel to go outside not wanting them to see this. He didn't want anyone to see his former master like that.

Starscream was trying to hold Megatron steady to pervert him from damaging himself more then he already was.

"I don't know what to do?!" Starscream half sobbed.

Megatron had stopped convulsing. And was now looking up at Starscream. And the seeker staired down at him with coolant filled optics.

Megatron put his servo on Starscream's and the warlord's optics look up at the seeker's then travelled to his former second in command's missiles.

Megatron was to weak to speak but Starscream still understood his former leader's final order to him.

"No!" The seeker whimpered. "I don't want to do this I don't think I can there has to be another way!"

Megatron look up at him and give a soft smile as if telling him it was ok as some coolant feel from his optics.

Starscream was crying coolant tears as well he wasn't used to seeing Megatron this weak and beaten. But he knew he couldn't just let him suffer.

"I'm sorry." Starscream said as he aimed his missiles at Megatron's spark then the warlord gave him a smile as if thanking him.

Then while sobbing Starscream fired his missiles as he let out a scream to match his namesake.

Meanwhile DeAnn and Pixel were standing outside when they heard the blast and Starscream's scream.

Then thay saw Starscream stagger out of the building before falling to his knees sobbing.

The both ran over to the seeker and started trying to comfort him.

"It's ok you did what you had too." DeAnn told her guardian trying to reassure him. "It was the most merciful thing you could have done."

"I'm going to make MECH pay for this." Starscream said clinching one of his servos. "When I get the chance I'm bring them down hard."

DeAnn felt bad for the seeker. He had wanted Megatron to become an Autobots but now he had been forced to extinguish his spark.

She knew the seeker felt guilty that he had been the one to end Megatron's life even if it had beem a mercy kill.

After a few more moments of crying Starscream transformed back to his jet mode.

"Me crying won't get us to the scrap yard or help us find the others." Starscream said as he opened his cockpit so DeAnn and Pixel could get in. "I'll focus on finding our friends and stopping MECH there'll be time for grieving later."

DeAnn knew Starscream was now putting on a brave front. She felt bad for him and knew he was probably going to go after MECH as soon as he knew she and Pixel were safe.

And she just hoped the seeker's grief and anger wouldn't cloud his judgment and cause him to do something reckless.

To Be Continued.

Sorry this chapter was a sad one.  But this is going to be an important plot point later. I'll try to update this and my other stories soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback. The next chapter will be back to Knock Out and Shayna.

Transformers Knock Outजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें