Remy shook his head. "N-no, I don't... erm, I don't mind." He stutters, feeling his face grow hot and his skinny jeans get even tighter as Picani nodded and proceeded to unbutton the top few buttons of his white shirt. He sat back down, humming softly.

"That's a nice breeze... anywho, sorry for getting sidetracked, anything else that's bothering you?" He asked. Remy squirmed in his seat, finding it hard to focus when he couldn't stop staring at the slight glimpse of Picani's chest.

"I... uhm, I've been having this... this..." he trailed off, now staring at the newly formed sweat beading faintly on his therapist's forehead, the way his lips were slightly parted, his glasses starting to fog up a little-


Picani's voice broke him out of his daze, and he didn't know if it was the temperature making him feel so hot or the man sitting in front of him.

"S-Sorry, sorry, uhm... I've been having this issue about, er, m-my friends." He started. It wasn't a lie, the thoughts about his friends having lost their virginity (and Roman's insistent and specific description of his most recent sex) is truly what had started his mind spiraling down this path.

"Your friends? Can you elaborate a little bit?" Picani asked, picking up his carrot pen again.

"I- uhh, I've just been thinking about how they're all so much more ahead of me in life? I-I guess? But- but you know I turned 21 this past month, and they've all gone out and gotten their careers settled, and found love, and had sex, and fi-" he stopped himself, realizing he probably shouldn't have said that last part. Picani simply stared at him for a moment.

"And... these all bother you, correct? Can you explain to me why?" He asked carefully. Remy turned red, mentally noting the way Picani licked his lips briefly before asking the question.

"W-well, they've figured out their careers, I'm a bartender... well, a manager, now, right- and I kinda wanna own a business in that kinda field, but I don't know specifics yet. They all do. They've all found their significant others, which makes me feel... behind. And lonely, I- I guess, which kinda... which kinda sucks, and-" he paused, sighing and not wanting to answer this one. "They've all... y'know, had sex, and I haven't exactly done that yet and it's making... making me...." he stopped, not quite sure how the hell to phrase this.

Picani nodded. "Insecurities about sex are fairly normal, actually- especially in gay men. There's this stigma about sex that implies it's a thing that needs to happen by a certain time and age, but if you don't feel ready to have it yet, you don't need to." He explained calmly, unbuttoning another one of his shirt buttons and fanning himself with the loose fabric.

"It- it's not that I'm not ready to have it, it's definitely not that, I just h-haven't... I just haven't, like... found the right time, or the right person, if that makes any sense, and there's a lot of tension-" he stopped himself again.

"What kind of tension?" Picani asked hesitantly, chewing lightly on the edge of his pen, then on his lip, which did some things to Remy that he'd never say aloud.

"Uhm... s-sexual tension, lately..." Picani nodded and took note.

"Are you comfortable elaborating a little bit for me? I'm no medical doctor, but I can help evaluate the situation and see if I can find a reasonable solution. Everything you say here stays here, unless it's harmful to you or others, or unless you specifically ask me to reach out, remember, Remy." He explained, closing his notebook and setting it down. Remy nodded again and crossed his legs, closing his eyes and shifting his hips at the friction that felt so much better than it should.

"S-sexual tension, like I've been... thinking a lot about sex, and I, uhm, I kinda... y'know, erm, m-masturbatealotlately," he spat out the last string of words quickly. He was embarrassed, frankly, especially since his therapist happened to be very attractive and since his cock was currently very much begging to be let out of his jeans.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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