Beginne am Anfang

"oh ... pensé que era soltera ... lo siento (oh...I thought she was single...sorry)" Claire says

"Ah...if we could just get back to English..." I say awkwardly and they turn to me

"Sorry" Bunny says, a small smile on her face and I can tell its forced because she doesn't have the same twinkle in her eyes that she had every time she smiled

I wonder what they talked about that got her upset. I really should learn some languages

"Sorry Bunny" Claire says looking at Bunny

"Its okay. Really" Bunny says with a smile. There's the twinkle I was talking about.


"She's nice, Claire" I say keeping my hand in my pocket to keep them warm as we walk on the grass, towards the lake

"Yeah" she says with a smile, looking at me for a bit before turning back to look in front of her

"So what were you guys talking about? Back at the restaurant?" I ask

"Ah...just..." She says only and I raise a brow

"Were you talking about me?" I ask teasingly

"Something like that" she says and I go to stand in front of her, stopping her from walking further

"You guys were actually talking about me?" I ask

"Depends, are you upset?" She asks

"Just curious. What did you say about me?"

"Um...the normal things"

"What are the normal things?" I ask and a smile cracks on her face

"You sure like to know things" she says

"Duh" I say with a laugh

"I was meaning to ask...um...did you make up?" She asks and I raise a brow "you and your girlfriend" she asks

"Oh, um...we broke up" I say "we actually broke up the day you and I met" I say and she nods slowly

"Oh" she says pushing her hair behind her ear and I thought I saw a small smile on her lips

"What? Are you happy we broke up?" I ask teasingly, moving away from in front of her so we can keep walking

"Well..." She says only, her lips stretching into a smile as she looks at me

"What about you? Are you seeing someone?" I ask matching her slow pace as we continued making our way down to the lake

"No, I'm not" she says

"Why? You don't like anyone yet?" I ask and I see a smile frame her face, although she is not looking at me

"That used to be the reason" she says

"What's the new reason?" I ask and she turns her face to me

"I don't want to tell you" she says after some time and I frown at her

"I'm hurt" I say placing a hand over my chest and she let's out a small laugh

"Too bad, I'm very happy today" she says and I glare playfully at her

"You're mean"

"Fine I'll tell you the reason" she says and my eyes light up with excitement as I stop to listen to her and she does so too

"Alright shoot" I say, a big grin on my face

"The reason..." She starts and I give her all my attention "No tengo novia porque me gustas. Pero no puedo decirte que me gustas porque todavía pareces querer mucho a tu ex novia y no quiero arruinar las posibilidades de que vuelvan a estar juntos. (I don't have a girlfriend cause I like you. But I can't tell you I like you because you still seem like you love your ex- girlfriend a lot and I don't want to ruin any chances of you guys getting back together.)" She says and I blink twice

"What?" I don't think I've ever been so lost. How come she just switched to Spanish?

"Tampoco quiero que te sientas presionado para gustarte.  Estoy satisfecho con ser tu amigo, sin importar si sientes lo mismo que yo.. (I also don't want to make you feel pressured to like me back. I'm satisfied with just being your friend whether or not you feel the same way I do)" she says again with a smile before walking away leaving me confused and fixated on the spot

"You know I don't understand Spanish!" I yell running after her, hearing her laugh her ass off

"I better not catch you" I say running after her and she starts running, and I don't know how she can while still laughing the way she was laughing

"Bunnnnnnnyyyyy..." I yell, chasing after her, not being able to help but laugh along with her

This babe...


I never said I was perfect
But I can drive you home


"We're here" she says stopping the car and I look out the window at my house and back at her

"Yeah, thanks for dropping me off" I say. She had offered me a ride which I accepted gratefully. I wasn't in the mood to walk home with the cold of the night

"Its okay, I had a great time today" she says

"Me too, it was...really nice spending time with you" I say honestly and I get what I was hoping for. A smile that honestly lights up my heart

She had those kind of smiles you just want to see all the time. The kind that could light up a room, change a bad day to a great one

"Same" she says looking down briefly before meeting my eyes, her smile wide and bright and I feel myself smile at it

"You should get going, since you have to wake up early for work tomorrow" she says and I nod

"Alright. Text me when you get home" I say

"I will" she says with a smile and I nod, turning to open the door

"Hailey..." She calls and I turn to look at her


"Um...never mind" she says with a small laugh

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods

"Yeah. Sleep well okay?" She says and I nod

"You too" I say before opening the door and stepping out into the night's cold air

"Bye" she says and I bring my hand up in a single wave

"Bye" I say back closing the door to the car as a smile settles on my face

I watch the car drive off till I can see it no more before turning and heading inside, shutting the door behind me

"See how much you are smiling" is the first thing I hear and I turn to the direction of the voice to see Paisley on the couch, a bowl of what I was sure was cereal on her lap

She always had cereal in the night and never for breakfast. I didn't get it but I didn't question it either

"What?" I ask hanging my coat

"Was that Bunny? That dropped you off?" She asks

"Uh yeah, I met her at the restaurant" I say walking over to the couch and plopping down on the one adjacent to the one Paisley was sat on

"And you decided to spend your whole day with her?" She asks

"Don't make a big deal out of nothing. We just talked for a while" I say and she nods

"Alright. I'll let it be" she says and I make a face at her

"Why are you here again?"

"I'm sleeping here duh. Jason is coming to pick me up tomorrow" she says with a smile

"And she has a new boyfriend for the third time this week" I say with a laugh and she rolls her eyes even with the smile on her face

"Oh please"

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Sábado 29 de junio

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