Two SAMCRO Weddings and a Proposal

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After about an hour or so sitting in the Clubhouse waiting for the guys to return, when they did Chibs walked in and I got up and run into his arms. He was bloody but I didn't care, I needed my man in my arms.

" It's over love, let's go to the room and we can talk." He told me and I nodded. Gemma told me she had the baby and go take care of my Old Man.

He wouldn't let go of my hand as we walked down to our dorm, we went in and he locked our door and pulled me into the most soulful kiss I have experienced in my life. He was pouring his love and affection into the kiss.

" Love when you called me and told me someone broken into our house, I was scared it was Jimmy who sent the men to take you from me like he did Fiona and Kerianne. Turns out that wasn't the case, it was just random. I didn't care, they scared my wife and I couldn't have that. They're dead." He told me.

Wait did he just called me his wife? I didn't even care that they were dead, he called me his wife. I was on cloud nine and in my own little world, he was trying to get my attention.

" Where did you go love? It was like you were off into your own world, are you ok?"

" Yes love, I was just happy you called me your wife, but you are still married to Fiona. How can you make me your wife?"

" I asked her for a divorce, so she is flying in with Kerianne and is going to sign the papers. Apparently Jimmy is dead, he pissed off the Kings and they were not too happy. So they had him killed." He told me

" How do you know he's dead?"

" I called to see if he sent men to kidnapp you and our daughter but when I called they told me he was dead, then I spoke to Fiona and she agreed to the divorce." He said and he kissed me again.

" Well after we get Happy and Juice married, looks like I have another wedding to plan, oh Chibs I love you so much. I was so sad to planning the girls wedding and not ours, but now I'm so happy."

We ending up making love for a couple of hours and then went to get our daughter and went back home. I told him that those men won't run me out of my house, so he had a couple of Prospects to clean our house. I thanked Happy and Juice for helping Chibs take care of the assholes who broke in, and they told me I was family, that they take care of family and any threats to it.

A couple of weeks later Juice was married and few weeks after that Happy was married, they decided to have the weddings apart, then I made the announcement of our engagement to the family and they were more than happy for us. I also told them that Fiona and Kerianne was on their way to the states so that I could meet them and so that Fiona can sign the papers.

So here I was getting the house cleaned up before they arrived, I decided to have them stay here with us instead of a hotel room plus I wanted Kerianne to bond with her little sister, Chibs was really excited to see his other daughter and was happy to be marrying me. I had talked to Lily and Marcy to ask them if it was ok to have Kerianne as my Maid of Honor and they were ok with it. They understood why I wanted her to be, I was marrying her dad after all.

They say finally came when they showed up, and to be honest I wasn't a bit nervous meeting them. I was at home and Chibs went to get the from the airport. I wanted him to have some time alone with then before they got here. Plus I wanted to clean some more and get more food. Something to remind them of home, so I decided to make a dish that was from Ireland Chibs was telling me about.

I was just finishing up when I heard the front door open and heard voices in the living room.

" Love where are you?"

" In the kitchen."

A beautiful women with the curliest hair I have ever seen and a beautiful girl who looked just like walked in the kitchen and instantly I was brought into a hug for the girl.

" Hi my name is Kerianne and this is my mom Fiona." The beautiful girl told me, I could see she favored her mom but Chibs as well. I seen my daughter favored Kerianne as well.

" Hi I'm Rosie and I will get Melonie so that you can meet her." I told them

So I went to get Melonie from her room and as soon as walked in the kitchen Kerianne took her from my arms and she instantly laid her head on her sister shoulder. It was like she knew who she was, now Melonie usually don't like strangers but she was ok having them around.

We all sat down to eat and they loved the dish I had made and I was so happy that they liked it, and then we all sat down to watch tv for awhile before I showed them to their room that they would be staying in while they were here.

" Love they absolutely loved the dish you made tonight, thank you for being such a great host. They said you didn't have to let them stay her but I told them you want them here and not at a hotel."

" I am so glad they loved the food and I rather have them here than at a hotel. They're family and family sticks together." I said and he he kissed me

" I never thought I would see the day my future wife would get along with my soon to be ex- wife. But you my love are taking it in stride. You truly are a Old Lady and Gemma will be proud of you." He told me

That night we had to be quiet as we made love all night.

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