A SAMCRO Baby Shower/ Gender Reveal

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It's been about six months now with Chibs and being pregnant. It's been interesting to say the lease, I had my first experience at what a lockdown was, and let me tell you it was an experience in its self. So around my second month of being pregnant we had to go into a lockdown. Thankfully I didn't have school at the time so it was ok, sort of because I am not the type to just sit around and do nothing. I have to move, even when my dad was sick I never just sat around, I went grocery shopping and other things. We weren't allowed to leave the lot, like at all expect to the picnic area, fun.

Apparently there was a threat to SAMCRO' S Old Lady's and so the guys weren't taking any chances and me being the newest of the Old Lady's I had to learn the ropes of what my new role included which was help Gemma, make food, feed a bunch of men, women and children which I wasn't bothered about that, no it was not allowed to leave and I was getting cabin fever. I was trying my best but by the fourth day of the lockdown I was pissed, and what made it worst the guys were gone taking care of the problem. So I asked Gemma if she needed anything and she said no so I went back to my room and cried, just let out of all my frustration and cried myself to sleep.

Finally the boys returned and Chibs was wondering where I was and Gemma said in the room, so he made it back to our room and saw me sleeping but what worried him was my tear stained face. So he moved my hair back and kissed my face and woke me up.
" Chibs, you're back." I said with my sleepy raspy voice.
" Aye love, why were you crying Lass?" He asked as he rubbed my face with his thumb.
" Just stressed, this lockdown got to me, I am use to moving around freely but we couldn't leave the lot and bothered me, I understood why we weren't but it got to so I came and laid down and cried it out. I stayed strong because I had to being your Old Lady but I am not use to this. I'm trying Chibs, really I am." I said and started to cry again, he just held me and let me cry on his shoulder as he stroked my hair. Whispering sweet nothings in my ear.
" Lass listen to me ok. You are a great Old Lady and strong, it's ok to cry, no one would think any less of you. I know your new to this and being pregnant as well, but Gemma told me how well you handled it and I am very proud of you." He kissed my forehead and I smiled up to my Old Man and saw so much love.

We sat there for a while and then I told him to make love to me and he didn't hesitate or disappoint. He loved the fact I was always horny, I had to keep him satisfied and he wasn't complaining one bit. Hell the night he moved into my house we christened all surface of it, so he is very well taken care. Also since they partnered up Louann who run a Porn Studio to help her and have a ' Legitimate' business I had to keep him from the porn whores, especially Ima. He told me he only needed me and his baby and know one was taking him from me. He even told Fiona and  Kerianne about me, which surprised me, turns out they are happy for me and Kerianne gets to be a big sister and Fiona was happy he found love again and wouldn't interfere with it.

Now here I was six almost seven months along and Gemma decided to throw a baby shower/ gender reveal party for us at the club house. Now you would think a group of big bad bikers would want anything to do with something like that, well you would be wrong. They were more excited than I was, I think it had to with the free food and booze. They helped set up the party, the food and the games. Yes we were having games and they wanted to play them. So Gemma went with us to see what the gender was but only she knew what it was, and we all know Gemma can keep a secret.

So Chibs and I pulled into the Clubhouse in my truck because one I couldn't ride and too I had food for the party and the Clubhouse was decorated with " Guns or Glitter?" Banners, which I found appropriate. Also Gemma had a beanie made with either SOA Princess or SOA Prince. I loved how these men accepted me into there world and this baby as well. It warmed my heart, I loved my dysfunctional family. Happy and I grew closer everyday, he was like a big brother to me, if Chibs was going to be late he would Happy hang out with me, or follow me from school. I wasn't ok with it at first but I got use to it and got close to him.

We asked him to be the baby's Godfather and he said he would be honored to, I even got to meet his mom and aunt which is a big deal and they immediately accepted me and so Maria and her sister Tina are excited about being a abuela and tia. Juice is a goofy one but he his like another brother to me and fellow gamer. We need out all the time and Chibs finds it very funny, he picks on us the time but out of love. Tig is like the weird Uncle no one talks about, Bobby we bonded over our love of Elvis. My mom would always play Elvis as she would clean. Jax and Opie as well like brothers to me, Jax and Opie's Old Lady's Wendy and Donna I grew close too and are excited about the baby and the fact me and Wendy are due at the same time. Clay and Piney are like dads to me, Clay and Gemma are Grandma and Grandpa, Gemma already has a room for my baby and Wendy's baby for when she has them there.

" I want to thank everyone in this room tonight for accepting me into this family and this baby. I know he or she will he loved. You guys are great." I said. Now how Gemma had the reveal set up was a ballon filled with blue or pink dust, and Chibs would shoot it to reveal the gender, so we all went outside to the parking lot. He shot the balloon and it was pink dust.

" I'm getting a girl." He said and kissed me with so much passion.

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