My Perfect Life

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I couldn't believe how my life has been since Chib's came into it. Plus giving me our little girl was just icing on the cake. He was so good with her, I seen a softer side of him.
I really do love him, and he treats me like a Queen. I never expected a one night stand would bring me into the life I am living now. I was happy when the club accepted me, they were my family and I was ever so happy to have them in my life.

Happy and Juice's relationships were going strong, they proposed to their women and it was exciting to plan their weddings, but at the same time I was sad. I wanted to be planning my own wedding but I knew it wasn't going to happen until Jimmy was taken care of.
" What's going on in that head of yours girlfriend?" Lily asked while we were planning the wedding.
" It's nothing, I am ok. Just thinking about your guys wedding that's all." I lied but I didn't want to be a Debbie downer to my best friend. I just plastered a smile on my face and she accepted it.

That night after leaving her house I went home, fed Melonie and made dinner for us. I put Chib's in the oven because he was out on a run and wouldn't be back till tomorrow. After feeding Melonie, I bathed and put her to bed. I had her sleeping in our room because I needed her close to me until Chibs came home.
I had been very emotional lately, I think my hormones are out of whack. I know it's Post- Partum depression, I just need to talk to my dr at our six week check up. Man I can't believe she is almost six weeks now. Beautiful as ever, Happy already said she ain't never dating as long as he is alive.

Finally I fell asleep but I was woke up by my phone ringing, I looked at the phone and it was Chibs. I answered it,
" Hey handsome, how's the run?" I asked and he said,
" Good love, laying here thinking about my girls. I miss you two."
" I miss you too love, it's hard you not being here. We are ok, help planning two weddings that's all." I said.
" Well love that's good to hear, we should be back tomorrow. Hopefully early, I miss my bed as well."

We finished up our conversation and I fell back to sleep. I woke up a few hours later to Melonie's crying. So I got up, fed her, burped her and she fell back to sleep. I seen the time and decided to get up and make myself some breakfast.
I was sitting there eating when I heard a car pull up into the drive, it was too early for Gemma. I was on high alert. I grabbed my gun and walked over to the door to see who it was.

A couple of men wearing black from head to toe walked around to the back of the house, I ran to my room and grabbed Melonie who thankfully was still asleep. Grabbed my cellphone phone and dialed Chibs number, he answered it after the second ring.
" Love it's early, what's going on?" He said grugglie.
" Chib's there are a couple of men wearing black clothes head to toe." I said scared
I heard him start cussing in Gaelic, then I heard him start to hell at Jax.

Luckily for me not all the boys were on the run, so they were close, so Chibs told me to hide in the room and someone will be by soon. I heard them breaking things in the living room, and started to come near my room, I had the gun aimed for the door of my room.
I was praying someone would hurry up and get here. Praying Melonie wouldn't wake up, just praying in general. They were getting closer to the door and my heart was racing, my hands shaking and then I heard them. I heard motorcycles and that was music to my ears.

They ran off but the sound of it they didn't get far, sounded like the boys got them. Then there was a knock on the door and Tig poked his head in.
" You ok doll?" He asked and I ran to him crying and shaking and just relieved he came in time.
" Yes Tig I am ok, thank god you came in time, I don't know what I would have done if.." I couldn't finish my sentence, I was crying some more.

He was rubbing my back and telling me everything was alright and Chibs was on his way home, he told me to pack a bag and he was taking me to the Clubhouse until further notice because we are on lockdown.
I nodded and got mine and Melonie's bag together, got her strapped into her car seat and off to the Clubhouse. I was wondering who those men were and what they wanted with me. When I walked out the place was cleaned up and they guys were gone.

We arrived at the Clubhouse and they locked up the gates. I parked my car and the Prospect got our bags and we went inside.
Now it was the waiting game.

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