Your What?

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So it's been about a month since I slept with Chibs, not like we were avoiding each other, nothing like that, I got wrapped up in school and he was on a run, well several runs. Gemma told me that they were busy trying to get things situated in the club, she did not go into details and I didn't ask. I wasn't a ' Old Lady' or a member so I didn't ask to many questions.

The next day after we slept together, he took me out to breakfast and we talked about what happened, he said he liked it but the Club was going to be busy for a while and I understood but at the same time it felt like a one time thing and I was ok with that, I wasn't looking for a relationship. It was a one time thing or so I thought as I looked down at a positive pregnancy test.

I was feeling like shit the last couple of mornings and wasn't holding anything down, at first I thought it was the flu but then my breasts were tender and then it hit me, so I went to the pharmacy and got a test. Went home and took it, yes I found as house thanks to Gemma. She got ahold of the Club Realtor and got a house close to hers and I was thankful for it. I got close to Gemma in the last month, went to her house for coffee before and kept her company as the boys were still on a run.

She told me she got lonely on the long runs but having me around helped a lot, I would also go to the clubhouse and hung out with her if I could, but I was getting busy with school and couldn't find time, she understood and wasn't mad at me, actually quite the opposite she was proud of me. I told her I was going to school for nursing, I wanted to work in labor and delivery, but also wanted to be a nurse that could deliver a baby if I had too. She smiled at that and told me I would make a great nurse.

But now I was scared, petrified at the fact I was pregnant and I knew it was Chibs because he was the only man I had slept with, but I didn't know how he would feel about being a dad, we barely knew each other, it was one time but I guess all it takes is one time. Also I felt bad because he had to me he was married, I slept with a married man and I felt horrible about it. I won't be the other women, but I need to at least tell him and go from there.

Gemma text me to tell me that the boys were coming back from their run and not only did she want me there but the boys as well, that warmed my heart, I felt part of a family and it was nice. Then again I was scared when I tell Chibs that I am pregnant, they might think I am wanting to trap him. So I have been spending the last hour pacing and stressing about this, it wasn't good for the baby but I didn't know what to do.

I did go and see the Doctor and found out I was a little over a month pregnant, I was due in September and the baby was where it should be, that made me feel better, some of what. I was thinking how was I going to raise the baby as a single parent, while still going to school, I had about two years left. I really didn't want to drop out of school again, but I might not have a choice.

It was time to go the club and meet the guys, if I didn't show up Gemma might get suspicious and then she might send out a search party or be pissed at me. So I grew a pair and left, I had to face him no matter what and tell him about the baby. Then he can decide from there what he wants to do, just hope he doesn't blow up on me. Last thing I want to do is piss him off and him not want nothing to do with the baby.

I pulled up to the Clubhouse and they weren't there yet, thank god it gave me some time to think on how I was going to approach him and tell him. I might just ripped the band aid and just tell him.
" Hey stranger, glad you showed up." Gemma said
" Sorry Gem, just school has been hectic and finally  got some down time." I told her
" Boys should be here anytime now." She said and as she was saying that we heard a roar of Harley's approaching the Club.

I froze, I was scared but I didn't want to show it. I can't give anything away before I can tell Chibs. He needs to be the first to know. It is his right, just I am so afraid I am going to lose my family I had made all because of a one night stand, I am not regretting it by any means and will not love my baby any less but I was just so scared, I swallowed my pride as Chibs approached me.

" Hey Lass, good to see you. Glad you could make it?" He said and then kissed my cheek, ok so maybe this won't be so bad, he was happy to see me. This I was a good sign.
" I got a little time off from school and Gemma called and told me she and you guys wanted me here and I couldn't tell Gemma no." I said with a laugh. It was true you don't tell Gemma no.

" Smart girl." He said, then I greeted the rest of the guys and they were happy to see me. Clay called 'Church' to talk about the run and that they will be out shortly. So I sat at the bar and waited, then I seen her Ima, the porn bitch that I encountered a the first time I was here.
" Why are you here, you don't belong here. Nobody wants a fat ass." She said with a smirk.
" Didn't I threaten you before, I will cut you and watch you bleed, you don't scare me, I know human anatomy very well and make it look like a suicide." I said with a smirk and she left in a huff and I laughed.

" Hey Lass." Chibs said and I jumped I didn't realize they were out here, I was in my own little world.
" Sorry didn't know you guys were done, hey Chibs can I speak to you in private?" I asked and he nodded his head yes and we walked to his dorm.
" You ok Rosie?" He asked
" I'm pregnant and it's yours, I know because you are the only one I have been with and I added it up. I understand if you don't want the baby but I thought you had the right to know." I said, I finally took a breath and he just stared at me. Here it comes.

" You're what?" He said with concussion

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