29- caiden's past

Beginne am Anfang

"wanna dance?" I ask him with my hand outstretched and pleading eyes.

He looks at me with the most questioning eye.

"umm...i just wanted to lighten up the mood" I say nervously

The lighting, the house and the scenario.

ALL of it calls for a dance. Even if we just had the worst.

"I have never danced, like a couple dance" he says looking down.

"OK so typical, but I'll help" I say and hold his hand lead him to the living room.

I walk to his TV switch it on and go on YouTube and search for 'we found love' by Rihanna and press play.

I return back to him hold his hand and place his hands on my waist and my skin explodes with electricity, I wrap my arms around his neck and bring our bodies closer, and we sway to the music.

All the tensions, all the sadness seems to pass away as we hold on to each other, never letting go.

Mabye this was a sign, we can fight all distress if only we are together.

And we are together.


"no, no and no" I shout at nick as he tries to steal my nutella sandwich.

No one steals my Nutella,

Nutella is BaE.

We all are currently chilling on caiden's couch watching moves and playing video games. And I am munching on my nutella sandwich which caiden's had to make me because he lost that game..

Caiden's my bitch.!

After we danced to atleast five songs, caiden and I slept in his room. When his friends barged in for hanging out.
Apparently all of them has keys of each other's houses

I just love their friendship.

"gotcha" nick says as he silently steals one of my sandwich.

"caiden nick stole my nutella sandwich , make me another one" I pout and say to caiden who is leaning on my shoulder and watching 'the rain' on Netflix.

"dude the fuck, why are you stealing her sandwiches. Make your own" he huffs and stands up and I blow him a kiss which he catches and smacks it to his heart.

And we are back at it again.

Tomato amber is back.

I look away and catch Sam staring at me with a smirk.

"what?" I ask hiding my smile.

She walks over from between Charlie's arms and sits next to me.

"dude, ask your girlfriend to stop stealing my girl" he says to caiden narrowing his eyes at me.

"see you blush even when he calls you girlfriend" she says wiggling her eyebrows.


"okay, real talk has he asked you out yet?"

"no" I say looking away.

"what the fuck?" she shouts and everyone turns their heads towards us.

"umm... We are just talking about the new beauty brand" I explain to them.

"okay" they say rolling their eyes.

"what? why? What is wrong with him?" Sam says.

"with whom?" caiden asks as he gives me my Nutella sandwich and a kiss on my forehead.

"oh.... James Charles something is very wrong with him" Sam answers.

"oh oooKkkaayy" he answers and sits with Charlie.

"I don't know, mabye he doesn't like 'like' me"

"yeah that kiss on the forehead says everything" Sam rolls her eyes.

"well let's just wait, I am pretty sure he will" Sam says narrowing her eyes at caiden.

Caiden catches Sam's eye and looks down on his phone again.
Sam walks in to the kitchen and I continue watching the movie on the TV.

Caiden's P. O. V

I see Sam looking at me like she might just tear my face and body apart and hang them up a hook and eat me.

Sorry for that image.

She enters the kitchen and I follow her.

"the fuck is wrong with you?"


"why didn't you ask her out yet?" she loudly whispers.

"umm..... What if she rejects me?"

"are you kidding me? She likes you and now because of the delay she thinks you don't like her" she says poking my chest.

"okay.... I will.... I want to  but-"

"no buts. You like her, she likes you, why the fuck are you so annoying?".

"okay today I will!"

"yep, she really likes you caiden and you do to" she says and walks away from the kitchen.

Okay caiden you can do this.

You like her right?

I really really like her.

But the only problem is my dad.

No. I get what I like.

So I want amber lindt.


Thank you all for making my book hit 8k!.

Yess 'hey love' hit 8k reads.

I love you all so much.

Comment and vote....... :)

And also I will be giving shoutouts to some lucky followers...

                    - Steve Roger's.

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