I laugh, "Sam the her will be in the same house with you cause I'm your twin. So there's no way you're getting rid of my that easily." I told him, shaking my head. He rolled his eyes, "Not when I lock myself in my room."

"You and I both know, I can pick a lock."

He throw his hands in the air, "There's no winning when it comes to you." He exclaimed, frustrated. I smile smugly, knowing I won the fight. "You are seriously the annoying twin in the world." Sam scoff minutes later. Dad and I laugh at him.


"What are you doing?" Xander ask as he walk in my room. I look up from my laptop and sigh, "I'm trying to find my mum's location." I told him, running my fingers through my hair. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Why? The last time she came, Sam told me it went downhill."

I groan, "As much as I hate her, she's still our mum. Chad might not say it, but we all know he wish mum is here to help him and Vanessa's wedding." He smile at me, "I do know the location of Kat." He told me.

I look at him, my face broke into a huge smile. "Great! Take me there." I stated.

"Yeah okay. Change into something appropriate. Cause she's partying." He told me and pat my leg, "I'll be waiting for you downstairs." He added before leaving my room.

Now you must be wondering why Jared's not around or whatsoever. Well Jared just got home after having dinner with me, in my room. He got a call from his mother, saying Charlie and Kylie is acting up and she don't know what to do already. So Jared being Jared, he kiss my forehead and quickly got out of the house. I'm totally cool with it, but the least he could do is bring me with him.

Shaking my head, I quickly got out of bed and change into a dress I could find in my closet. Its red with black lace all over it. It stop mid thigh and it is backless. It was sleeveless. I got my hair out of its bun and brush it, quickly applying mascara and eyeliner and lip balm. I look into the mirror, checking my outfit and when I think I look decent enough, I quickly grab my purse and phone before leaving my room.

"So Jared coming?" Xander ask once he saw me walk down the stairs.

I shrug, "Don't think so. He got some trouble at home." I answered after I texted Jared, telling him I'm going out with Xander. "Dad I'm going out with Xander for awhile okay!" I shouted and quickly push Xan out of the house, before dad could ask where I am going. Xander laugh, "Ooh we're sneaky are we?" He teased.

I smack him, "Shut up and just take me there already."

"Okay okay. You look beautiful by the way." He said as he gave me a small smile. I rolled my eyes and said thanks before I got in his car.

The drive to the club took like about an hour or two before he park in the lot. "Alright, here we are." He announced before unbuckling his seatbelt and got out, I follow suit. Xander grab my hand and hold it, "So you won't get lost or out of my sight." He whisper in my ear once we pass the two big guys and got in.

"How did you get in so easily while the rest have to wait?" I ask curiously.

He rolled his eyes, "The perks of being in a gang." He said, "I used to. Not anymore." He quickly added once he saw my horrified face. I nod my head and look around, "How are we suppose to find Kat with all of this people grinding on each other?" I shouted over the loud music.

"Ew gross!" I exclaimed once I saw a couple having dry sex on the couch.

Xan chuckled and pointed somewhere, I follow where he pointed and sure enough Kat is standing there. She's working as the bartender? "I thought you said she's partying?" I ask him, with accusation in my voice. "Hey don't you dare complain. I got you here anyway." He scoff.

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