Chapter 7: Mine.

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>> • Chanyeol's P.O.V • <<

I knocked on their door, Y/n opened the door.

"Oh hey, time to eat." I smiled.

"We'll be there." She smiled while I nod my head.

She closed the door and I started going back downstairs.

"Hyung?" I turned around to look at Jihyun peeking on his door.


"Wanna come in?"

"Sure." Jihyun closed the door as I entered.

"I asked noona if she could see some of my stuff but Jimin hyung took her from me." I patted his head.

"Show me then." He smiled widely.

"Let me present to you my lovely drawings."

"Wow, you drew all these?"

"Meh, some of them came from Jimin hyung's room."

"You stole it?" I chuckled, he scratches his head.

"Well, yeah. Because I really liked them."

"What happened with the old Jihyun I know?" I patted his head again.

"What do you mean, Hyung?"

"I don't think you remember this but when you were still a kid you used to not like what he draws for you. You'll always complain about he draws. He'll draw a new one again and you'll just throw them away."

"Am I that really a bad kid?" I saw sadness on his face while looking down on his drawings.

"No, Jihyun." I came closer to him.

"But you know what? Even tho you didn't liked his drawings, he will still do his best for you to love them. Don't worry, he was never disappointed on you, he still loves you no matter what." But a drawing suddenly caught my attention.

I grabbed it, "Who made this?"

"Oh, Jimin hyung made that one."

>> • Your P.O.V • <<

We are already sitting on our seats, just waiting for Chany and Jihyun to come.

"I'll go ca-" You stood up.

"Oops, sorry to keep you guys waiting." Jihyun back riding him.

"And you'll go here." he put Jihyun down on his chair.

"Baby, sit down." 'Oh crap, I thought I was already seated.'

"Dig in, everyone." Dad said.

"So, how's the company doing, Jimin?" Mom asked.

"Your boy is still on top." A proud Jimin said.

"Oh really? Good job, son. I'm so proud of you. I knew I could count on you." Dad said

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