"You- you're kidding, you actually- you got hard just to measure yourself?" I almost couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.

"Well I wanted it to be realistic!" He said as he laughed now too. "I'm trying here baby, I thought maybe I'd give you something close." He giggled a little. "And of course I didn't get hard just to measure myself, it was the day you sent me those sexy pictures." He added and I laughed a little.

Now it was my turn to use a seductive voice, "Nothing could come close to you inside me. Not a toy, not another man, nothing." I responded. "I want you back here in Madrid so bad, and when you do get back, we're not leaving the house for days." I added, feeling quite sultry. I wanted him to get a little worked up over this, at least a little hard. What I was saying was true though, he and I had a lot of catching up when he got back.

All I heard on the other end was heavy breathing for a few moments before he spoke. "Hearing you say all that was worth the price of the overnight shipping." Sergio responded and we both burst out laughing that time.

It felt like he and I were so in sync on things. He could be sexy, funny and witty all in the same conversation and I liked that a lot about him. He was clever and charming and very sweet and thoughtful in his own Sergio way. I liked that about him too. Maybe I even loved him.


I'll admit, we did try out the toys, but Sergio seemed to enjoy it more than I did. I couldn't quite get into it the way he and I wanted. He seemed a little disappointed, but I did agree to try again some other time when he was back home and it could be used as foreplay.

This second week was even harder than the first, being around Sergio was addicting and I was beginning to seriously experience withdrawals. It wasn't just in a sexual way either. I was craving his glances, his cozy hugs, his cuddles, the way he always softly snored as he drifted off to sleep. I wanted to run my hand through his hair, to feel his arms around me and to just be around him, whether we had sex or not.

These cravings led to a rather elaborate plan on one sleepless night. I was going to be the romantic one and sweep him off his feet with a surprise. I was going to Los Angeles to surprise him. I knew he had a match there in a day or so, which would give me time to fly out and meet him at the game. I was going to need some help getting into the stadium but that was nothing a call to Iker or Lia couldn't fix.


Sergio's POV

As we were walking into the stadium before our match against Manchester United at the Rose Bowl my phone buzzed in my pocket. I saw Iris's name on the screen. It was an odd time for her to be calling from Madrid. It was probably two or three in the morning there.

"Hey baby, everything alright?" I said quietly. We weren't supposed to be on our phones right now, we had to be focused even though it was just preseason. I had to set a good example so I couldn't talk for long, but I also wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Yeah everything is good, why?" She asked me.

"Well it's like almost three am where you are, you don't usually call me this late." I said, walking into the locker room.

"Oh uh, right, yeah well I just couldn't sleep and I wanted to wish you good luck and say-" She started but I couldn't hear the rest as I was being scolded about being on my phone.

"Sorry babe I didn't catch that last part, I don't have good reception where I'm at." I explained and Iris started again.

"I just wanted to say good luck and that I-" I again couldn't hear the last bit as one of the coaches yelled at me to hang up the call.

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