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Iris's POV:

I woke up before Sergio and quietly slipped out of bed to make a call, hoping not to disturb him. As I left the room I took another glance at his sleeping form. He was gorgeous, even in this relaxed state as he cuddled a pillow. His facial features were softened and his lips, god those lips, were squished together a little. He was so cute with his messy hair it made my heart swell. I slipped on some clean panties and happily kept Sergio's shirt from last night on.

I grabbed my phone from the counter in the kitchen as I brushed my teeth and dialed up Lia, impatiently waiting for her to answer as it rang. As I rinsed the toothpaste from my mouth she finally answered.

"This better be good you know I'm not a morning person." She grumbled into the phone and I bit back a smile.

"Oh this is very good news." I smirked, bringing the collar of the shirt up to my nose, inhaling Sergio's cologne.

"Well go on then, I wanna go back to sleep soon." Lia said, sighing into the phone.

"Sergio and I, we had sex last night." I couldn't help the smile on my face.

There was muffling on the other side of the phone and I could hear Lia tell Iker what happened.

"Finally! I've only been telling him for a month that you wanted to." I heard Iker say and laughed.

I listened as Lia walked away from, "So how was it?" She asked me.

"Amazing, mind-blowing even. God he is so good. A man like that, already trained, is so hard to find." I responded, "and the chemistry we had, electric." I added.

"I had no doubts it would be." Lia answered. "I'm happy it finally happened, I know you were getting impatient." She added, "And I know what you were getting from the other one doesn't compare to Sergio." She teased.

"God no, Sergio is in a league of his own. That's not all the happened last night though Lia." I could feel the butterflies in my stomach again.

"Look if you did any weird kinky stuff, I don't wanna hear about it. Sergio's into a lot of stuff and I don't want to know what he did to my best friend with whatever weird kink he's trying out this week." Lia started and I had to stifle my laughing to keep from waking Sergio. So he was kinky? Can't say I'm surprised by that. If it ended as good as last night, I'd probably be into it.

"No no oh my god, you're ridiculous. It was nothing like that. He um, he asked me to be his girlfriend, like officially. We defined our relationship." I bit my lip as I waited for her answer.

"That's great! I mean I knew it was going to happen if it hadn't already, you both are so cute together. I had a feeling once he got you, he was going to lock you down." She teased. I laughed a little, playing with the hem of his shirt.

"He's really sweet, Lia. I had no idea he would be this kind and gentle." I admitted.

"He's really something when you get to know him. He cares a lot about his friends and family and his career. He's so passionate, between you and me, if I didn't love Iker with all my heart and soul I would've snapped up Sergio a long time ago." Lia giggled.

"Well he's mine now and I'm not letting him go anytime soon." I laughed in response. "I should go though, don't want him to wake up and think I've left." I added.

Lia and I said our goodbyes and I made my way back the bedroom. Sergio was right where I left him, cuddling a pillow. I couldn't stop gushing about him in my head. The tattoos that covered his body and those muscles underneath were so hot. With all that ink, he probably liked pain. I'd have to keep that in mind for when I felt like spicing things up. I had to shake the dirty thoughts swirling around my head for now though.

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