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Warning!: This chapter contains violent material. Please read with caution.

The rest of the week went the same. Day after day you organized files, left the building with Yami, and went to your job at the bar. By the time Friday rolled around, you felt mentally and physically exhausted. You decided to cut down your shift hours at the bar.

Your shifts now went from 9 pm to 2 am on weekends. The rest of the week you spent it working one job. It felt better for you this way. Soon you were going to quit your night shift. All the money you worked hard to earn was almost done covering your student loans.

However, Friday turned out to be a nightmare.
You worked the bar, feeling slumped. Your perfectly made makeup was put to trash after an incident took place.

You did your typical rotation of making sure the customers were served. Before you could make it back to your post, you were pulled to the side,

Note: This is your last warning ladies

"Hello, pretty one. I couldn't help but notice you"

You twisted quickly out of the man's grip. Your eyes locked with hazel colored orbs. His jet black hair was swept to side making him look incredibly handsome. You couldn't deny he was attractive, but that did not make it okay for him to touch you. You forced a fake smile,

"Sir, Can I help you?"

The culprit looked at you lustfully before licking his lips and whispering in your ear,

"You can help me in more ways than one"

You attempted pulling yourself away from him, but none of your coworkers seemed to notice your struggle. The bar was incredibly crowded as it was beside the strip club. His hands wrapped around your waist pulling you closer. You backed your face away as he closed in on you. You gritted your teeth,

"Let me go"

The man before you chuckled,

"I don't think so beautiful"

He slid his hands down, groping you. In that very moment, you went ballistic. You didn't care if you lost your job. You were NOT about to be touched,

"Let go!!!"

You shoved at his chest as he continued his assault. Suddenly, a dark figure pulled you to the side,

"Don't touch her"

As you looked up from the chest you were pulled into, you saw amethyst eyes, darkening into a magenta as the seconds passed. It was Yami.

The lights in the bar were all flickered on as policemen took the male into custody. He glared at you before being shoved away. You looked up at Yami, realizing your hands were now on his chest. You hastily pulled them away, backing up before Yami softly pulled you back into him,

"It's okay (y/n). You're safe"

You hesitatingly laid your head on his shoulder. Yami held your hand as you softly sobbed. You never thought this would happen to you. You couldn't comprehend why it did.

Yami escorted you into an empty room before sitting you down. You quietly sipped on the water your coworker brought you,

"Thank you for coming Yami. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would've happened"

Yami couldn't think of a proper response. He had so much on his mind. He was glad he got there in time. After Wednesday, he decided he would keep an eye on you in the bar. For the past few nights, he silently sat in the back, working on his laptop as he watched you pass by. Something told him he needed to be there for you. Something told him you would need his help. He was mad about the bastard who touched you. You didn't deserve it and no one did. He took his time to regain his composure. Briefly closing his eyes, and exhaling softly,

"I'm sorry this happened to you (y/n). I'm glad you're alright now. I may not know how you feel, but I can promise you, every step of the way I will be with you"

Violet orbs trained themselves on you. You looked up into his eyes seeing the determination they held. The determination he held. You stood, leaning your head onto him before he brushed the stray hairs out of your face,

"I believe you"

You both took in the comfortable silence. Yami then drove you home. After some time was spent convincing him that you would be alright, he took his leave. You switched out of your clothes, and washed your face, before falling asleep in the soft covers of your bed.

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