84. Multiverse

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"Oooh. So that's what Red Skull meant." Naomi hummed, swinging her legs in the air. She had moved from the table to her tiny couch at some point during the day, lying across it even though it was short enough that her legs from the knees down hung over the side. Smith remained professional as ever, only readjusting herself in the chair a couple times and crossing and uncrossing her legs. Naomi couldn't imagine staying so still for so long. Even at the office, she had had a hard time sitting in one position for an extended time.

"Yes." Smith nodded. "Because you entered dimension 616 through one of our portals, your existence in 616 was effectively brought about by our organization. And because the Red Skull was unable to see beyond his own dimension, he perceived you as having been 'birthed,' in a sense, by the Watchers."

"I still can't believe it's actually called Earth 616." Naomi grinned, all too pleased with her new knowledge, courtesy of Smith. The woman had been extremely informative, and not to mention patient over the last two hours. Naomi hadn't been kidding when she said she had several questions. As soon as she started thinking about the Watchers, and the role they had played in her life, her Marvel-fan brain went on a joy-ride, picking at Smith for any and all details. Honestly, Naomi was a little disappointed in herself that she hadn't suspected something sooner. She had brushed off Red Skull's strange words because the situation had taken priority, but how was it that Naomi had never considered that there was a reason her phone could still pull up the internet from her dimension while in 616? It had been all too convenient for convincing heroes to believe her incredulous story, and for doing additional research on the MCU in order to defeat Thanos. Which Smith had been so kind as to inform Naomi that yes, Thanos had been defeated.

"As I explained earlier, dimensions in the Multiverse have a tendency to overlap in a multitude of ways. In this version of Earth," Smith raised a hand, gesturing around Naomi's dingy apartment, "alternate dimensions are prone to overlap in the form of media. Thus, the Marvel franchise was created." She finished, sounding rather deadpan for the incredulous information she kept dumping on Naomi. From the couch, Naomi glanced at the woman, her eyebrows shooting up.

"Wait a minute..." Naomi chewed her lip, "does that mean that the creators of the Marvel brand could see through dimensions?" She gasped, making a mental effort not to raise her hands up, or clench her fists. Her fingers were still giving the woman hell whenever she inadvertently moved them. But Naomi could hardly care about that now, she was too busy trying to connect all the dots from the information Smith gave out so care freely, as if it were no big deal.

"No. The multiverse is not so transparent as that." Smith said. Naomi grinned mischievously, staring up at her ceiling.

"Except in the universe where it is." She retorted. Naomi over, trying to see if she could get any sort of reaction from the woman. If she strained her eyes, she thought that maybe the corners of Smith's mouth were raised-

"Correct." Any amusement on her face washed away, back to business. "Any more questions, Naomi?"

Naomi huffed, momentarily giving up on trying to make the other woman crack a real smile. She knew that she should have asked Smith about this way earlier, considering the manner in which Naomi left, but to be honest she just needed a second to breathe. Everything in the MCU was always happening so fast, and Naomi had thought she was going to die a few more times than she was comfortable with. Apparently the Watchers had been helping to ensure that she didn't die, pulling some strings behind the scenes to create some classic MCU coincidences, but it didn't help to ease Naomi's consciousness. And yet, she knew that she couldn't lie down forever, and that there were people who cared about her deeply that were likely under the impression Naomi was dead. It was time to get up and go.

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