79. Trickster

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Not for the first time, Earth's mightiest heroes gathered together, and faced the ship quickly descending upon them. At the front, Tony and Steve stood side by side, waiting in silence for the moment to strike. They watched as Thanos's ship touched ground, a small thud breaking through the silence on the field. All of SHEILD had been evacuated. Now, it was only the Avengers against Thanos and his army. Forlornly, Tony hoped that Naomi would be with them, so he could be assured that she was indeed alive. Her phone had been stored safely inside the compound, hidden away with all its terrible secrets. But Tony didn't want her phone, he wanted Naomi Swanson delivered back safely, and a quick and easy victory. He would de damned if anyone died here today.

Steve shifted his footing as the ship's doors opened, but did not give the attack order. Thanos emerged first, clad in armor with the Black Order following. On his left hand, the Infinity Gauntlet was laden with two glowing stones- one blue, and one green. Naomi was nowhere to be seen. Tony cursed under his breath, damning Strange for giving up the Time Stone to the Titan. He could only pray that somehow, this was still a part of the wizard's plan.

Thanos looked across the crowd of heroes before him, the muffled screams of his army still contained in the bowels of the ship ringing in his ears softly. They were mindless beasts, and there were less of them than he might have liked, but he was sure they would serve as a suffice distraction. Wielding two of the famed Infinity Stones had boosted Thanos's confidence in himself and his army, leaving him more hellbent than ever on retrieving the next three stones, all gathered in one place for him. It was almost too good, Thanos thought to himself. After all, there were none among the heroes who were worthy to wield any of the Infinity Stones in their possession-

"Excuse me."

A voice cut through the silence, clear and sharp. From the outskirts of the crowd, Loki emerged with a wicked grin. "But if I might interject-"

Steve sucked in a breath through his teeth, moving toward the interruption before a hand clapped down on his shoulder. He whipped around, directing an incredulous stare at Tony, who remained stock still, facing Thanos. Tony didn't speak, but his hand pressing down on Steve's shoulder was a clear instruction. Don't intervene. Steve hesitated as he looked over the scene. Thor was silent as he watched Loki stride toward Thanos, glaring at the back of his brothers head with undisguised confusion. Of Loki's allegiances, Thor had no doubt. He simply couldn't understand why his brother didn't bother to clue him in on his plans before he went ahead and did them.

Realizing that even Thor had no intention of preventing whatever was about to occur between Loki and Thanos, Steve bit his tongue, and stepped down. Tony released his shoulder after the super soldier relaxed, both watching as Loki came before the Titan.

"It has come to my attention that you have recently come into contact with the Prophet." Loki smiled, lacing his fingers together behind his back. His posture was upright, but relaxed. Comfortable. The mans face remained impeccably clear of any ill will- his brow unfurled and his smile charming. But as Thanos peered closer, he could see the cracks in Loki's armor. His facade had been crafted with the finest attention to detail, but Loki's eyes gave him away. Through his eyes, Thanos could see the profane rage swimming just under the surface. The Titan frowned.

"Anger does not suit you, Asgardian." Thanos said. Loki was unaffected by the statement, laughing slightly as though it were a casual joke between friends.

"I wish only to seek the Prophet's council, my Lord." Loki strode closer to Thanos, opening his arms in a peaceful gesture. "In exchange, I offer to you my undying fidelity." Loki sunk into a slight bow, startling Thor. Loki never bowed for anyone, not truly. Thanos's face sunk into a grimace, gaze expectant. 

In one swift, smooth movement, Loki launched his fist up toward the Titan's throat. As his hand darted forward, a small dagger materialized in a burst of green light. A ripple went through the heroes as Thanos stopped the dagger mere inches away from his throat, blue light surrounding the blade. On the Gauntlet, the Space Stone glowed brightly. A rumble sounded in Thanos's throat as he looked down on Loki in disappointment.

"You've lost your touch, trickster." He spat, clenching the Gauntlet tighter. Loki's eyes flickered to his dagger, then back to Thanos. In a moment of shock, the Titan realized that his eyes were no longer angry, but instead filled with triumphant, wicked glee.

"No," Loki grinned, "I don't think I have."

Too late, Thanos noticed a red stone embedded in the pommel of the knife. The stone emitted a bright, scarlet light as the ground beneath Thanos cracked apart, the Space Stone's hold over Loki ceasing. The trickster's smile was ungodly as the shifting ground beneath the Titan forced Thanos to fall unto his knees before Loki.

In the instant before all hell broke loose, Loki looked down upon Thanos, leveling his dagger- laden with the glowing Reality Stone- at the Mad Titan's head.


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