29. Theme Song

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For once, the Avengers lounge room had more than two people in it at a time. At the present, there were four, as the sorcerer supreme had left for the Sanctum Sanctorum with a promise that he would be in touch. That left the Iron Man, the God of Thunder, the Lord of Chaos, and the ex-assistant of a regional paper supply company. Also known as the Prophet. They were currently sprawled about the room, Naomi laid on the love seat with a steaming cup of black coffee on the table beside her. Thor sat on the adjacent couch, appearing very comfortable in his loose jeans and baggy jacket. On the opposite end of the couch and fashion spectrum, Loki reclined in a Mitford Pinstripe Gucci suit paired with a Louis Vuitton Damier Tie. Though he appeared to be the rich man in the room, the actual billionaire matched more closely with Thor, in some fitted jeans and T-shirt.

The original plan had been for Thor, Loki and Naomi to leave as soon as everything had been properly worked out, however there had been a slight change of plan. According to Tony, he was expecting someone- who had been 'asking about Naomi for weeks.' This was impossible since Naomi had not been in the dimension for more than a few days, but Tony simply stuck to his over-exaggeration and shrugged. There really was only one person that he could be referring to, so she asked the brothers to wait a bit longer on Earth. Currently, Naomi searched for some extremely sensitive and top-secret documents on her phone- to be used when the newcomer arrived.

"So Reindeer Games, how's it going on the crazy scale?" Tony broke the silence, sliding into the center space between the ring of couches. With a single swipe, he slid Naomi's legs off the cushion and plopped down. Keeping her eyes on the screen, Naomi simply propped her feet against his shoulder, crossing her ankles as her socks came dangerously close to his hair.

"it varies from moment to moment."

Naomi barked out a laugh, retracting her legs as she held her stomach. Of course, this only earned her strange looks from the rooms other occupants.

"Naomi, what do you find so funny?" Thor questioned, raising an eyebrow at her. Calming herself, Naomi sat up beside Tony- who was confused but amused- and got her last giggles out.

"It's kinda a popular line from Loki." She grinned, looking over to Loki and watching his reaction. His eyebrows shot up, clearly shocked but mostly pleased at the notion of being popular.

"From the movies, yes?" He asked, leaning forward. Naomi nodded, quickly checking to see if she still had the available information on her phone before turning back to everyone.

"Does everyone have, ah, popular lines?" Thor pursed his lips in thought as he waited. Still grinning, Naomi scoffed with a smile.

"Of course!" She exclaimed. "Everybody's got iconic lines." Toying with her phone, she thought up of a few from the specific Avengers in the room as Tony hummed beside her in question. "Well, Tony you've got the whole 'genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist' thing."

Tony nodded in satisfaction, shifting in his seat with a pretense of self-importance. "Still true to this day." He smirked.

"I think Miss. Potts would say differently." Thor countered, chuckling at Tony.

"I'm exclusive, what can I say. VIP's only." Tony opened his arms, showing himself off as the rest of them laughed. Even Loki snickered at the Stark's sense of humor, finding him to be quite funny. Naomi always found Tony funny, and so was still breathy with laughter as she took another swig of coffee.

"Uh, well if you don't look at the Ragnarok ones, Thor has a line that gets referenced all the time." Naomi gestured, holding her cup of coffee with a devious smile. "I like this drink. Another!" She pantomimed throwing the cup down, generating the most reaction from the Asgardians, who knew what custom she was referencing. As for Tony, he was used to being confused by her by now.

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