Chapter 14

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America - National City (Midnight)

"Barry can we please stop now." Kara whined to Barry as she weakly floated over him. The two were currently on top of a roof; Barry held out a small rectangular device with an antenna, and pointed it down towards the streets. He moved the device around, covering as much space as possible. 

Kara rubbed her eyes as she yawned, "We've been looking for them all day, non stop, I'm tired."

Barry let out a heavy sigh, "Just a little more longer Kara, we still haven't checked the Northwest corner of the city."

"Yes we have." Kara reminded him, "We checked it six hours ago, remember. Your little gizmo didn't find anything."

"It's a tachyon particle detector." Barry corrected her. 

"Yes I know, it detects tachyon particles, the name explains it all." Kara told him with much sass, "But it hasn't been able to pick up any. We've checked their first location out in the middle of no where, Red Daughter's apartment, my apartment, and all of upper National City. Face it Barry, they are not here in the city anymore." 

"They have to, were else could they be?" Barry asked, desperate for an answer.

"Well they are definitely not at a dry cleaners, that is for sure." Kara tells him.

"Why would you guess that?" Barry asked her confused. 

"Because we are standing on the roof of a dry cleaners." Kara enlightened him.

Barry looked over the ledge and noticed the sign.

'Winston's Clean and Go Co.'

Barry quickly faces palms himself and takes a seat on the edge of the ledge, feet dangling over the side, "God what am I doing?"

Kara gently lands on the roof, walks over to Barry, taking a seat next to him, "You're just tired, lets head back to my apartment, get some sleep."

"No." Barry says shaking his head, "I can't sleep, I need to find him. I just need some coffee, that'll wake me up."

"Oh my Rao!" Kara face palms at the frustration of dealing with his stubbornness, "Barry, you need to sleep. You haven't eaten anything all day and you're not even thinking straight anymore."

"What are you talking about, my mind is great." Barry insists.

"Really?" Kara questions him, "If your mind is so sharp, then why did you say that you need coffee to wake you up? Are you forgetting that your metabolism will burn right through the caffeine?"

Barry was about to fight her back on this, but quickly closed his mouth when he realized that she was right. Barry let out a heavy sigh of defeat and looked out into National City. He took in the view of all the lights that were shining from the skyscrapers, the car's moving headlights, and multiple lamp posts that lit up the streets. It was all so beautiful. 

"Maybe you're right, maybe I do need to sleep." Barry said as he continued to look out into the city, "I need to refresh my mind."

"Finally!" Kara expelled in relief,  "Lets go, come on."

"Go?" Barry questioned her, "I'm not going anywhere, I still need to find Savitar."

"What?" Kara asked confused, "But you just said that you need sleep?"

"Yeah I did, but it doesn't mean I'm going to do it." Barry explained.

Kara couldn't believe him, she dropped her head in her hands as a reaction to Barry's unbelievable stubbornness, "Barry."

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