Chapter 9

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Kasnia - Forest 

Red Daughter landed roughly on the ground, creating a large crater with her impact. She dropped Savitar on the ground, causing him to fall on his hands and knees. She didn't pay much attention to him, as she was to focused on scanning the sky for any signs of her twin.

"Where... Where are we?" Savitar asked her in between deep breaths, the trip was not relaxing at all. He looked around, but could only see miles and miles of trees. The air was cool, and there was a light sheet of snow on the ground. 

Looking up at Red Daughter, he sees her panting heavily, obviously tired from flying away at her top speed. Her breath visible because of the cold air, she continues to look at the sky. 

After watching her for a bit, Savitar's comes back to the present. He looks down at himself and suddenly realizes a horrible truth, "My suit?... We left my suit back at your apartment!"

Red Daughter's eyes continued to stayed glued on to the sky, not giving Savitar the slightest bit of her attention. 

Savitar noticed this and began to get mad, "You idiot! How could you have left my suit behind! How could you be so stupid! What am I going to do now!?"

"What the hell!"This outburst of his got her attention, but not the kind he wanted. She turned her head to him and walked over to him, placing a finger on his chest, "I just saved your ass! If it wasn't for me, the D.E.O would have you in a prison right now! I am the reason you are still alive, you should be thanking me, you ungrateful son of a bitch!"

"Thank you?!" Savitar shout out in utter anger, "Supergirl and the D.E.O have my suit! They know about me now! They know I'm on their Earth now! What am I suppose to do if Black Flash shows up!? Or worst, The Flash!"

"You are unbelievable! How can you be this idiotic!" Red Daughter yelled back in his face, while her eyes glowed bright red. "I should have left you back at the apartment."

"I should have left you back in that containment pod." Savitar said back, his face an inch away from hers.

Both of the two continued to glare into each others eyes, neither backing down. It was a while before Red Daughter de-powered her heat vision and turned away from him. She took a moment to look around, before starting to walk in a direction away from Savitar. 

"Where are you going?" Savitar demanded.

Red Daughter stopped and closed her eyes, taking a moment to breath, before answered, "There is a village five miles away from here, I am heading there."

Savitar did respond, he just looked at her.

Red Daughter began to walk again, but then stopped one more time, "You should head there too, the winter nights get bad this time of year, you will freeze to death if you do not."

Savitar remained still for bit, putting his cold hands in his jacket pockets. He didn't want to admit it, but he was already starting to get cold. He looked around one more time, before taking a couple of steps in Red Daughter's direction. She waited for him to catch up, before the two continued their walk to the village, side by side.

Thirty Minutes Later

The two continued their walk in silence, neither one speaking nor looking at one in another. The air felt thick, and not just because of the low temperature. 

Throughout the entire walk, Red Daughter could not stop thinking about why she helped Savitar. She had no need for him, without his suit he was useless, he was only slowing her down. At first she convinced herself that she only helped him to repay him for saving her from that D.E.O containment pod, which made sense, but that didn't explain why she let him tag along with her to the village. She didn't need to have him around anymore, and yet, she offered to take him anyways. 

For Savitar, he was using this time to cool down and re think his actions. He will admit, he felt pretty stupid. He lashed out on Red Daughter, and that was pretty petty of him. Every couple of minutes he would take a small glace over at her, to see if she was still mad, and every time he did this, she was. She held her fists clenched tight, as she continued to look forward, as if he was not there. The silence and tension was killing him, so he decided to break it.

"So..." Savitar finally spoke up, "Where are we?"

Red Daughter continued to ignore him, only concentrating on looking forward.

Savitar noticed this and decided to try something else, "You seem to know your way around this place pretty well, you've been here before?"

Savitar waited for an answer, but it never came. She just continued to walk in silence. 

After his second try, Savitar gave up, and just continued to walk in silence. The two walked another ten minutes before Red Daughter saw something that stopped her in her tracks. Savitar noticed this and followed her gaze, seeing the large area of black ash and rubble laid out on the floor. 

Red Daughter walked over to the sight quickly, leaving Savitar behind. Once she got there she walked through the area slowly, looking around for anything that was still standing, but saw nothing. Everything was gone. 

She quickly dropped to her knees, grabbing a handful of ash in both hands, while beginning to tear up. She let a couple of teardrops roll off her cheeks as she continued to look around the remains of the destroyed building, desperate to find anything that was still intact. She heard a could of foot steps approach her from behind, but she didn't even bother to turn around and see who it was.

Savitar stood over her, while he looked around as well, trying to find any clues that would give him hints as to what this place use to be, but he found nothing but ash. He then looked down at Red Daughter and saw her face, she wore such an expression of absolute sadness and loss. After seeing her, he figured it out, all his questions were suddenly answered. He knew where they were, he knew how she knew the area, and he knew what this place use to be, "This was your home."

Red Daughter couldn't bring herself to answer, she just nodded her head up and down. 

Seeing her so sad and vulnerable, gave Savitar a weird feeling in his stomach. He hadn't felt in such a long time, and now that he had it back, it felt strange. Even without thinking, Savitar did something that he thought he never do for anyone ever again, "I'm sorry."

Red Daughter heard his words, they were nice to hear. 

She used her sleeve to whip her tears away, careful not to smug her makeup. After finishing, she got back up and dusted herself off, before starting back on the trail to the village. The two continued their walk in silence, before it was broken again.

"You know..." Red Daughter started, causing Savitar's head to turn in a rapid fashion, "That is where I grew up."

Savitar felt a lose of words. He couldn't believe she was actually trying to converse with him, "Ye... Yeah?"

Red Daughter nodded her head, "It's were I was raised and trained, it use to be a military base. I always hated it, but now that it's gone,... I miss it."

"Really?..." Savitar couldn't help but feel weird about the whole thing, it was all new to him and he didn't know what to think of it. He didn't know if he was correct, but he believes that he feels... good?, "Tell me more."

"Well..." Red Daughter started, as the two continued their way to the village.

Oh wow that is another three chapters. Around one week ago I posted chapters 4, 5, and 6, and now I'm posting 7, 8, and 9. Wow! This actually has to be my favorite story so far. I'm actually really proud of project of mine, I really enjoy how it's coming out. I hope you guys like the book so far too, tell me down in the comments how you feel or what you guys would like to see in further chapters. I do have the story laid out, but that doesn't mean I can't add some of your guys requests. Also don't forget to follow me if you guys haven't, I'm an active poster so follow me so that you guys get the notifications for any updates. Also give this story a vote if you liked it, it really helps motivate me. Anyway I'll catch you guys next time.

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