four : temptations

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Chapter Four - "Temptations"

I lay on the right side of Mitch's bed, while Mitch lay on the left. See, usually people our age wouldn't last a minute in the same bed with each other without making any physical contact. 

My hair was still tangled and matted from the storm we trudged through. It took us forever to get back to Mitch's house. My jacket and jeans were still a bit damp from beneath the sheets, Mitch didn't really seem to care much though.

"What about school?" Mitch asked suddenly, lacing his fingers with mine from under the covers. My cheeks lit up from the warmth of his hand, my stale blood instantly heating from the contact.

"What about it?" I breathed quietly, trying not to scare him away. God knows that's what I do to everyone else.

"College, I mean. Do you think it'd be fun?" We didn't make eye contact. I continued letting the swirl of the fan above us hypnotize me.

"Not as fun as high school." I answered bitterly. I think he was confused on whether to laugh, sigh, or scoff incoherently. When he made his decision, it came out as a snort with a breathy wave of air loosely traveling behind.

I laughed into his pillow, which sounded like muffled whale noises to the outside world. I shut my mouth quickly. I could hear him mutter cute as I lifted my face from the warm fabric.

"Maybe we could take a few courses," He suggested, playing with a piece of my brown hair before tucking it behind my ear. I smiled with the corner of my mouth, holding his wrist in place. I caught a glimpse of the time. It vibrantly displayed in red 12:14.

"It's past midnight." I whispered. For some reason I couldn't find any strength to speak any louder. This didn't bother Mitch one bit.

"I know." He whispered back, grinning faintly.

I glanced down at my free hand for a split second, my attention being brought back up to Mitch a moment later. I could only imagine the goofy smile I was now sporting.

Maybe we couldn't last a minute.

I brought myself closer to him, my hand slowly pressing his palm against my cheek. I blushed lightly, blinking a few times, asking if it was okay. He nodded in response quickly. I let my smile engulf my cheeks as I leaned in, him following not long afterwards.

Our lips barely grazed when his bedroom door swung open. We both heard a boisterous laugh erupt from behind us, causing both of us to jolt up. The light was switched on, burning our eyes. We groaned in sync, facing the culprit who ruined our moment.

"We're on lockdown until I find my fucking glasses." Tyler alerted. "Just saying. Now get your lazy asses up." He ordered.

"Lazy? It's 12." Mitch crossed his arms.

"Like it mattered to you two." He leaned against the door frame.

"It didn't." Mitch mumbled. I looked down and picked at some dry skin on my wrist. Right as I was about to pick up some of the jagged fragments of my heart, I was pulled away again.

I swept my disappointed expression to the side after a mere minute of silence.

"Let's find those glasses!" I cheered, stabling myself on the hardwood floor. Tyler held his fist in the air, rotating in a full circle, then facing the hall and sprinting down it. Mitch and I let out weak laughs, staring back at each other.

Let's go he mouthed. I nodded. "Yeah..." I spoke softly, pushing myself away from the bed and following Tyler down the dark hallway. As I walked, I switched both of the hall lights on, inspecting every corner I passed. I heard Tyler curse multiple times downstairs every time his hopes raised, only to be granted disappointment.

"LOCKDOWN LIFTED!" Tyler announced from the kitchen, sticking his head out the doorway and peering into the living room, holding his glasses out for both of us to see. We clapped for him like kindergarteners after a story.

It felt good to see Tyler energetic for once. Well, we all have our moments.

Mitch and I had ours.

I tried not to think about that as I bid them goodbye, wrapping myself up tightly in my jacket and zipping it. I left the house with few tear stains. Being in love hurt sometimes.

Hell, it hurt all the time.

Once I made it home, I found my father passed out on the couch with the remote placed in the palm of his hand. I smiled sadly, thinking back to this afternoon. I never wanted to hurt him, or make him disappointed. But I always seem to find a way.

I walked upstairs, trying to ignore my growing migraine. I failed miserably, breaking down on the fifth step. I plopped down right then and there, letting the tears blister my cheeks and put down my mood. I had nowhere to go, no one to go to.

That was when I craned my neck upwards, looking at the ceiling. I shut my eyes, rolling up my sleeve and gently running my fingers over previous scars, crusted over with new skin and dried blood. My nerves buzzed.

I knew what I had to do now.

Temptation drove me out of sanity, it walked me up stairs, shut bathroom doors, clutched blades, bruised my skin, ruined my life.

But it's not like I was fighting it, either. There was no point to. Temptation would overcome me.

For those few minutes of searing pain and bloody drains, I felt something.



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