three : street talks

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Chapter Three - "Street Talks"

Behind Mitch was Tyler, who peeked over his shoulder slightly and pushed his thick glasses up to the bridge of his nose.

"Oh, hey, Tyler..." I waved lowly, giving him a shy smile. Tyler waved back and nodded.

"Hey Quinn."

I glanced at Mitch desperately. This probably wasn't a good time.

Tyler squirmed a bit where he stood, the tenseness of the situation crawling up his spine. Tyler was never really much of a talker when he wasn't recording, we all knew why though. I guess that's why he visits Mitch and I so often. He needs someone to relate to.

"You didn't tell me you were coming." I cocked my head to the side, breaking the silence.

"I just drove down a few hours ago, actually. I'm spending the weekend at Mitch's." He spoke softly, like if he were to talk louder his voice would collapse and shrivel away.

"Cool..." I gave him a thumbs up. Mitch stood there, swaying slowly side to side. He made eye contact with both of us after a minute, then stared up at the light post beaming down on him. I shuffled around in the gravel while Tyler whistled along to the rush of the wind.

"I'll let you guys talk for a minute..." Tyler tucked his hands in his jean pockets, turning around, marching off down the dimly lit street.

Mitch backed himself up against the pole of the light post, facing me. "What are you doing out here so late?" I could tell why he was out here with Tyler. They were probably having rough nights themselves. And we all know the only thing we're good at is running away.

My calves began to ache from standing, so I sat cross-legged on the damp grass underneath Mitch. I laid my palms in the soil, letting microscopic water droplets collect on my fingertips.

I sighed deeply. I couldn't tell him. I shut my eyes for a brief moment, my vision now fixed on the night sky above me. He continued to stare up at the light, which was now becoming a heat source for a moth family.

"Dammit Quinn..." He cursed under his breath. "Why do we keep doing this?" He asked me, his voice unusually low and shaky. I gulped.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, dumbfounded.

"Running away from the hard things...." He picked at his shoe laces once he settled himself on the gravel. "...when are we going to not feel this way?"

I didn't have an answer for that. I think he knew. But maybe he was just desperate.

"When we don't." I answered. My tone was cold, but cracked. It was like an icicle; one false move and it shatters into millions of fragments that could possible never be reassembled. They'd melt into the grass and become a ladybug's shower. Or an ant's worst nightmare.

He scooted back, possibly staining his denims, to face me fully. "Not the answer I was looking for-"

"-but the truth." I finished for him.

"Right..." He said unsurely.

The breeze danced across my cheeks, chilling them. My entire face was vulnerable to the inevitable frost pending on the city. Fall may have just arrived, but I had no doubt in my mind winter wasn't far behind. I was actually quite anxious for winter's arrival this year.

"So my doctor put me on more meds..."

"More?" Mitch chuckled.

"Yeah..." My words came out a bit jumbled.

I'm guessing he thought I'd take this easily, like I'd have someone to relate to other than Tyler, who rarely got a sentence out without shutting his mouth and passing his turn to talk to Mitch or me. But I didn't take this easily, like he wanted me to. My heart clenched, I had to fight the urge to hold my chest. I felt like my stomach was sliced open. I felt like pouring out my every emotion I ever felt towards this boy on the spot. I wanted to tell him that it wasn't okay, that I wasn't okay, nothing was okay.

"My therapist recommended a support group for me." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him, my face contort with confusion. A support group?

"I figured hanging out with you is support enough." This made me blush, really hard. I was afraid if it wasn't so dark outside he'd see right through me. I'm surprised he hasn't already, the amount of times I blush when he's around is so unbearable it hurts. I wish I could just stop loving him so damn much. Maybe then life wouldn't be so complicated.

"We're our own little, fucked up, support group. You, Tyler, and I."

He laughed, resting his head in between his knees.

"We're the fucked up support group."

"Yes we are." I stated proudly.

I let myself fall back onto the soft grass, my head hitting the ground with a thud. Mitch followed soon after, both of us staring up at the heavy greyish-black sky. It was most likely due to rain soon. I could already feel the freezing but relaxing raindrops slide down my forehead and off the tip of my nose now. The thought comforted me.

I never thought I would do this, but as the clouds grew wide and heavier, releasing small portions of drops each second, I flipped over on my side, towards Mitch. He knew it was going to rain too. His lips were tugged upwards a bit to the right.

Thunder rumbled quietly beneath us, in which we did not budge. Before I knew what I was doing, temptation took over my every move as I snuggled into Mitch's side, breathing out heavily into his sleeve. He tensed up at first, but as I showed I wasn't planning on moving anytime soon, he relaxed, even looping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

I reveled the feeling, because I knew this wouldn't happen again. The chances of him even being comfortable with this in my mind again were slim to none.

But I wouldn't have it any other way.


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