eleven: of love and death

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Chapter Eleven - "Of Love and Death"

"Quinn," Mitch poked me.

"Quiiiinn," He poked me again.

"SWEET MOTHER OF CHRIST WAKE UP!" Tyler shouted from beside him. My eyes shot open as I muffled my scream with my hand. I lifted my head up from my pillow and shot them both a glare.

Mitch chuckled quietly. I rubbed the drowse out of my eyes and sighed, heaving myself out of bed and walking over to the mirror. I reached for a hairband, tying my hair back into a shitty ponytail. I looked like a train wreck, and I think they could tell too. Tyler whistled and nonchalantly looked around the room once I turned around, while Mitch turned red holding back a laugh.

"Screw you guys." I rolled my bloodshot eyes. "I gotta go, Dad's wait-" Both of them looked at me; Tyler's eyes shut tightly as he shook his head, and Mitch sighing. I fought tears as I remembered he wasn't waiting.

"The police are downstairs." Tyler informed me.

"Thanks..." I muttered in response. "Can I talk to Mitch for a second?" Tyler nodded, hugging me briefly before he left. I held in a long sigh in hopes he wouldn't worry too much as he probably already was. I smiled weakly.

"Hey..." I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hi..." He laughed softly, sitting next to me.

"Listen, um...I'm gonna go to jail." I stated. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"I killed him."

He looked at me, "No you didn't. You were here...with me...." I nodded as he began to catch on. "Quinn, you didn't kno-"

"But I killed him! I should have been there! I shouldn't have been asleep! Or here with you a-at all!" I rubbed my head in frustration. I killed him. I killed my father. It was my fault.

"Quinn, calm do-" I stood up before he could finish.

"I FUCKING KILLED MY OWN DAD!" I screamed into the pillows, which soon turned into me sobbing. My entire body shook each time I let out a deafening cry. I felt so guilty.

Mitch tried soothing me, but nothing really worked. He had to go downstairs and tell the police I had gone hysterical. Of course they were suspicious, but Tyler was there to back me up. God, I even delayed his homecoming. He should be at home right now, not dealing with this shit.

I heard the door shut quietly from behind me. I pushed myself off of the bed and wiped my face with my sleeve, looking in front of me and into the mirror.

Mitch sat down next to me.

"It's not your fault." He crossed his arms. I stayed silent.

All I did was stare into the mirror - this fucking waste of matter that made me hate myself more. I rolled my sleeve up roughly, holding it up so I could see all of the scratches and scars.

"I'm such a mess." I said. Mitch looked at my shaken form through the mirror.

"Do you want the truth?" I nodded.

"You are a mess," He started.

"And so am I, and Tyler is too. We're all messed up, Quinn. But there's something you have that Tyler and I don't."

"MAOI's?" I chuckled bitterly.

"No. The truth is, you're a lot braver than us. You know where we'd be if both of our parents died? We'd be dead. We can't handle the truth, no matter what it is. You may be a mess, but you're a beautiful one."

I took his hand. "You're such a cheeseball." I laughed, and he did too.

"I happen to like cheeseballs, so," I grinned. He shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"And I happen to like messes."

At that point it felt safe enough to let out that long sigh I had been holding in - which turned out to be longer than expected.

"What did the police say?" I asked, facing him.

"They're coming back tomorrow. Oh, and your family came." I scoffed, "I don't care. They only want his money anyways."

"Did you get the stuff in his will?"

"No. They're probably gonna take everything anyways. I don't care, I'll let them have it. I'll be a good person for once." I smiled lightly.

"You are a good person." Mitch said.

"Yeah, somehow."

"Cut the bullshit." He smiled with the corner of his mouth, making eye contact with me. I leaned forward, pressing out foreheads together.

"You don't want this." I closed my eyes.

"I really do." And he closed the space in between our lips.


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