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Chapter Thirteen

Strong currents of wind pelted every person walking along the street, Alexi and Ed weren't an exception. Neither were light as a feather, so when it became hard for them to walk in a straight line, they knew it was a serious windstorm. Dust was flying around like crazy and Ed couldn't wait to get inside and away from the crazy stuff.

"This London weather is driving me crazy," Alexi shook her head as they forced their way up the sidewalk. Hardly anyone was out in this wind, all trying to take refuge in any of the stores that were along the way. 

"We'll be inside any moment now. The club should be right about…" Ed waited until he looked to the right and grinned. "Here."

"Thank the heavens! Let's get inside, then." Alexi attempted to pull the heavy metal door open and failed. Ed couldn't help the laugh that left his lips as Alexi used all of her strength to try and open it. "Stop laughing and help!"

"I'm sorry, you're just small. It's adorable." Ed admitted.

Alexi immediately turned around and pouted. "You're so rude. I want to see you try!" 

"Fine," Ed accepted the challenge, putting his hands onto the handle and yanking on it. When it didn't budge, he tried again. This time it was Alexi's turn to laugh, as he continued to struggle at opening the door. "Fine, it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be."

"It's because of the wind, try knocking." Alexi suggested once Ed crossed his arms and huffed in annoyance. As if sensing the two struggling, the door got opened slowly from the inside. "Wow, the magic of my words!" The second the door was open, the two hurried in and the door got pulled back into place.

"Hi, I'm Joe. Are you Alexi?" The tall, muscular, tanned guy who opened the door said while flashing them both an earth shattering smile. Ed immediately attempted to conceal a laugh, instead it came out as a snort. 

Alexi smiled back at Joe while elbowing Ed in the stomach. He couldn't help it, the guy seemed like he had stepped out of a male body wash commercial. "Yes, I am. It's nice to meet you Joe. This is Ed."

"Big fan, you got some great tunes." Joe nodded and if it hadn't been for the thick British accent, Ed would have assumed he was some LA surfer dude who got lost and ended up in the UK.

"Thanks. What happened to Jimmy?" He said referring to the old owner of the club, the one that he had come in contact with quite a few times. 

"Jimmy's my cousin and moved to Cheshire a few months back, giving me full range of the club. Make yourself at home!" Joe motioned towards the empty club. 

The familiar musty scent reached Ed's nose and he stopped for a second to take in the sight. It hadn't changed too much in the past two years, the same hallway with photographs of the artists who had performed here - he was even featured right dab smack in the middle. The hallway opened up to a nicely sized room with a bar to the left with the same dark brown wood table. The stage was what Ed remembered the most, the place he would occasionally have a Friday night gig. The dips and drops were all memorized by him.

"We have about two hours until we open, so take your time and if you want a beer or anything, just let me know." Joe said before leaving the two in the middle of the room.

"Do you want a moment?" Alexi offered, knowing from the previous spots that he liked to have a few moments of just remembering.

"Yeah, thanks."

The memories just came flooding back, he couldn't have stopped them even if he tried.

December 3rd, 2010

"Wow, such a classy date this is." Samantha teased, her arm hooked through Ed's as they entered the club. There were already people milling about and drinking, not so many people dancing - the place was more known for the nightly artists than for the dancing. 

"Sorry I'm not taking you to a five star restaurant in my stretch limo, Beyonce asked to borrow it for the night." Ed shrugged, lips turned up in a smile as he felt like the proudest guy in the world with the most beautiful girl on his arm.

"Totally understandable," Samantha nodded as if she could sympathize with that. "What time are you performing?"

"In about an hour. You're gonna be the loudest one here, right?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Nah, I was thinking about ditching beforehand. Go find Beyonce and yell at her for ruining my night." Samantha winked.

"Just be back five minute before it ends so I don't notice your absence." Ed advised, before smiling as he placed a kiss against her temple. 

She turned to make a face at him, scrunching up her nose in the most adorable fashion, and complained. "That wasn't a real kiss."

"Fine." He smirked, leaning in to kiss her on the lips. He could taste her cherry chapstick - the stuff she used hourly. There was nothing more perfect than this.

"Ed! Hey, mate, how are you doing? Wow, you weren't lying when you said your girlfriend was beautiful! How'd you get so lucky?" Jimmy came up to them, interrupting their moment.

"Dunno man, but there's hardly a girl as gorgeous as she is."

Present Time

"Alexi, I'm ready." Ed called out after sitting on one of the chairs for at least fifteen minutes. His friend had been entertaining herself by walking around and inspecting each accessory on the walls but at his words, she hurried back with a small smile.

She lifted her camera up. "I'm ready when you are."

He went silent, fishing in his pockets for the gold Sharpie he had bought earlier. Uncapping it, he stood along the edge of the stage. He knelt down right before the center and chewed on his lip while Alexi started taking the pictures.

You’re my air when I feel I can’t breathe.

Catching me when I’m tripping over my feet.

We’ll get through this together.

You’re my smile, when I just want to cry.

Make it all better as you kiss my sad eyes.

I’m giving you my forever and ever.


I don't know how I got you to fall in love with me, because you could have done so much better but I never loved as much as I did when I had you. You will always be my forever.



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IG/Twitter: MyHeartsMistake



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